just imagine the pressure that public services are put under with all these
institutions, checks and balances, all that Ombudsman, ICAC, not that they are
bad, as I said sometimes these things are good. These are the safeguards of any
civic society. But if they become a major hurdle because we don’t know how to
deal with them, then, at the end of the day what would suffer would be the
government’s executive ability to deliver things.”
在中國大陸,一切政策由上而下,任何反對或企圖障礙政府政策的言論或行動都被政府視為不當,都應予以打壓,以保證它們不會成為政府的 major
hurdles,令政府能夠有效地 deliver
林鄭上述一番言論,大有「政府永遠是對的」的意味 --- 政府永遠是對的,因此,監察機構只是政府須要 deal
with 的可能障礙,沒有監察機構對、政府錯這回事;假如政府 deal
with 這些監察機構失敗了,那不表示政府有錯,而只是說明監察機構是 major
hurdles,阻礙政府 deliver