我要求學生讀完這篇論文後寫撮要,由於論文又長(36 頁)又艱深,撮要的字數要求較高(1,200-1,500 字),但學生可得的最高分數也比其他撮要多一倍。學生的反應是叫苦連天,說論文太深,看不懂,有兩、三個學生說看了兩次也一頭霧水,連作者在處理甚麼問題也搞不清楚,更不用說弄明白其中的論證了。我通常是在學生交了撮要之後才講解論文的,這一次破例,把文章的目的及一些關鍵的概念先說明了,好幫助他們理解。
學生今天已交了撮要,我還未有時間批改,但相信寫得好的不會多。為何我明知這篇論文對學生來說會太深,卻仍然要求學生閱讀?無他,因為我在知識論一課裏選了 Ethics of Belief 這個題目,Shah 的論文不但在這個題目上有洞見,還可以幫助學生進一步理解之前讀過的幾篇論文(在這個題目的指定讀物裏,Shah 的是最後一篇)。
其實,間中要求學生閱讀一些超過他們程度的論文或書本,絕不是壞事,至少可以讓他們意識到自己的限制;有心讀好哲學的,也許會因此明白到須要努力奮進 --- 我問學生讀過這篇論文後有甚麼感受,其中一個的回應正是 “This
article really humbled me” 。
我打算花四堂時間詳細講解 Shah 的論文,學生看不懂不要緊,還有我!
哇,篇文真係深到 "雪雪" 聲。
刪除看得我頭暈眼花, 仍舊一頭霧水, 祇好知難而退.
刪除堅實的分析哲學訓練 I have none. However, I am giving myself a challenge. At a first glance there are a few terms used on the piece which I have no idea off. Prof., is there like a philosophy dictionary I can reference to?
Would you recommend having first read up on the references Mr. Shah cited?
Found this! YAY! http://plato.stanford.edu
Yes, this is a very useful site.
1. 你給這些撮要評分時會否"手鬆"一點?
2. //學生可得的最高分數也比其他撮要多一倍//
不太明白你的課程的評分制度, 這點可否多談一下?
是說習作以一百分為滿分, 但這份寫得好能有二百分(一百分的bonus)?
1. 對,撮要我會較鬆手。
刪除2. 我要學生寫十篇論文撮要,每篇最高可得 10 points,除了文中說的那篇(20 points)。此外,學生還要寫一篇期終論文(60 points),出席率也計(40 points)。
這篇論文主要是解釋為何「我是不是要相信 p?」這個問題必定要透過回答「p 是否為真?」來回答。
刪除相信某信仰前 驗證p
奉行懷疑精神 有咩問題' . '??
//奉行懷疑精神 有咩問題' . '??
刪除問題是中間的過程為何?點解「p 是否為真?」(這是事實問題) 可以幫我們解答 「我是不是要相信 p?」(這是應然問題)。
I belief I don't have the ability to understand;
回覆刪除I understand I don't have to understand if I don't belief I have the ability to understand.
I belief I have the ability to understand.
I don't understand why I have the ability to understand what I understand.
老舍工 I yam what I yam and tha's all what I yam.
刪除Check this out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHBt9mHq-5c
我讀了近三十年哲學,有很多分析哲學文章我到現在仍覺得難懂(例如Donald Davidson, Bernard Williams 和 John McDowell 的文章),是這些哲學家都辭不達意嗎?有些我覺得很清楚易明的,我的學生卻說難懂,例如 Harry Frankfurt 的著名文章 "Freedom of the Will and the Concept of a Person";不如你試讀讀(假如你沒讀過),看那是易懂還是難懂:"Freedom of the Will and the Concept of a Person"
刪除Frankfurt's Freedom of the Will and the Concept of a Person is easy enough to understand. But I would like that either part III appears sooner or a hint of it (more than what's in the title) is given in an abstract or an introduction at the top. I almost stop reading it in the middle of the paper before reaching that part. Excuse my impatience! --zpdrmn
如果學過Introduction to Discrete Maths 之類科目而閲讀能力不差, 理解哲學文章應不難。
不過一般的文科生看到if x = 物物,then y = 物物或assume z = 物物時,頭都大細。
讀一讀 Kant 的 Critique of Pure Reason 或 Wittgenstein 的 Philosophical Investigations 你便知道,你這講法只是暴露了自己的無知。
刪除Just in case of misunderstanding, my comment above is only about Frankfurt's paper but not for all philosophy papers. I've said somewhere else before that I don't understand much what philosophers say. --zpdrmn
刪除我不懂德文,只好看英文版。看了introduction, finished section 1 now. So far so good,我理解作者想說什麽。
I looked up the definition in Wiki: "Philosophy is the study of general and fundamental problems, such as those connected with reality, existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language. Philosophy is distinguished from other ways of addressing such problems by its critical, generally systematic approach and its reliance on rational argument."
Any thinking people of average intelligence and reading skills, with a bit of training in logics, should be able to comprehend writings on reality, existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language.
If I give the same person a paper on solid state physic, I would seriously doubt he or she could follow any of the logics unless she or he has a strong mathematics/physics background.
I've read the first paragraph. What comes up in my mind right away is that many people believe in certain things without examining if these things are true. I mean they really believe but not just assume them to be true while knowing that they may not.
回覆刪除It's such a long paper; I don't think I'll brave it, no matter if I can understand it or not. --zpdrmn
P is just the notation of premise. Knowledge in deductive logic will have no problem to understand this paper.
回覆刪除Strangely I found I thought I understand well the article. I go now more than a half in the second reading; and think the author's standpoint has some relation to Rawls' 'Two Concepts of Rules'.