其實,有些人不是故意扮的。他們以為自己真的高深,於是乎身體力行,開口海德格,閉口維根斯坦;明明講的是老生常談,卻偏偏要迂迴曲折、用自己也不太明白的學術語言去講。(舉個例:如果說「一個人一出生,就已經是在一個特定的文化、社會、和時代中,沒有選擇的餘地」,大家都會完全明白,完全同意,但說成「我們的此在(Dasein)是被拋擲到(being thrown into)一個早已存在的世界中。」(註),聽起來便高深得多了。)這些人的問題不在裝出虛假形象,而在缺乏自知之明。
agree, if you really undestand what you are talking about, you should be able to explain it in a comprehensible way
Just stumbled upon your interesting blog, am learning quite a lot from your blogposts :)
回覆刪除I'm especially happy to discover that Dasein is translated as "此在". One of the problems that I have reading Chinese translations (both academic and literary, the latter such as Haruki Murakami and a number of contemporary Taiwanese authors) is that there are often references to Western philosophical thought, but I could only guess at their meanings as I've never known the correct Chinese terminologies, even though I'm familiar with the broad outlines of Western philosophies.
Anyway, I think that references to philosophical ideas come naturally not only within academic circles (even if their fields of expertise are not philosophy per se) but also amongst members of the so-called literati class, and so perhaps the intent is not to 扮高深 per se but out of a genuine wish to throw ideas out there for discussion? I mean, for instance, one of the things I love best about BBC cultural programmes such as Newsnight is precisely the fact that commentators can draw upon a wide variety of intellectual sources in discussing a contemporary topic, and whilst I may not get each and every reference as an audience member, listening to these unashamedly learned discussions helps to broaden my intellectual horizons for which I'm always grateful.
And perhaps a lot of times such philosophical references are simply too-ingrained in some of these people's mindsets that it's probably just an occupational hazard for intellectuals to tend to talk in jargons, especially if they feel that there is a certain level of pre-existing knowledge about the topic amongst the audience. That said, it is also academics' jobs to communicate ideas in comprehensible ways and so I also agree with you that people who are being deliberately obtuse are not serving others nor indeed themselves, as what could have been an opportunity for a genuine intellectual exchange would be lost.