--- 假如你聞過不喜,你是沒可能強迫自己當下由不喜變為喜的。
打個比方:有些人視自己為一件已完成的名貴雕像,假如給人指雕像有瑕疵,是會非不得已才承認的,因為承認了就等於要降價。有些人視自己為一件已完成的廉價缸瓦,假如給人指缸瓦有裂痕,也是會非不得已才承認的,因為承認了就出售無望,甚至變成毫無價值 。另外一些人視自己為一件未完成的泥塑,還可以改變形狀,修正塑得不好的部份,著眼點不是價值,而是如何塑成更完美的作品;假如有人指出泥塑的不當之處,那是求之不得,欣然接受,因為可以據此而加以改善。
Excellent advice. Food for thought.
回覆刪除There is enormous wisdom in traditional Chinese philosophy. I wish I could have studied more of those Chinese classics, but don't know where to start (Analects of the Confucius?).
刪除Prof, do you have any suggestions for some introductory texts? (FYI, I have a background in physical science.) Thanks a lot.
I can't think of any introductory books that I would recommend. Perhaps the best starting point is reading the original texts of 《論語》and《孟子》(with commentary).
刪除Thank you.
刪除I wasn't going to say anything, but what the heck.
刪除Let's not talk about how I felt (it varied) when someone, say M, pointed out my mistakes or shortcomings. Let's look at what I would do. (Behaviorism? LOL.) In most cases, I thought about it. In some cases, I made changes in how I behaved or how I did things. Then someone (sometimes that someone was M, who had expressed his/her dislike) told me something like that he didn't like my new way of doing things. If that someone was M, my new way was more or less what he had suggested or implied.
Now, what would I do.
唉, 做人難, 做聖人可能易D. (Don't tell me it's not logical.)
算la. 齐物齐物去吧. 忘記過,喜,修養,羞,聖人,難,易,我,人...但不要忘記女人啊. Hehe. 然後, 忘記这个最懵境界.
刪除What the heck. M for mother or McDonald's?
Not sure I follow you.
刪除I don't follow myself either. --zpdrmn
刪除匿名7/19/2013 3:17 上午,
刪除M stands for X. It can be Y or Z also. I don't really have a specific person in mind. --zpdrmn
刪除news “自動滑上坡 下坡要踩油
世界第一怪坡 變瀋陽名勝”, 可有興趣探討?
匿名7/20/2013 5:53 下午,
刪除Interesting! But I don't think I can figure out the reason(s). I'm not an expert.
One possibility is that there is another kind of force at work that scientists don't know about. It's not quite probable though, not because scientists know every thing, but because the effect, a macroscopic one, of such force (if exists) shows up but does so so rarely. I mean, even if there is another kind of force, it is not quite probable that in this case, it is the effect of it. But it's still a possibility.
I think we can rule out nuclear forces, strong or weak. These are short range forces.
EM force is not likely. I'm thinking about the source and the mechanism. It doesn't seem magnetic. (We can use some non-magnetic materials to test it. We can also test if there is some magnetic field.) There are no motors to convert electricity to mechanical energy. What's the source of electricity anyway?
EM waves? They produce a big enough pressure (thus force)? Not likely.
What left is gravitational force (GF). That reminds me of some research on GF some professors of my old school were doing.
To try to figure out if the rolling upward on that slope has something to do with GF, one needs to bring in some state-of-art apparatus, like those my professors had, to the location and take fine measurements carefully. Well, one can use another approach. (I'm now thinking about other apparatus used in geophysics.) We still need to bring in some apparatus. Without such apparatus and measurements, one can't be sure if it's GF. If it is confirmed, we can try to figure the reason in that direction or we already figure out the reason, depending on what apparatus we use.
Is it possible that some materials near (underground or surrounding) the top of the slope are so much denser than that near the bottom so that it creates a bigger GF on higher ground that is big enough to counteract the gravity due to the difference in height and make things roll up the slope?
I am not sure. I'm too lazy to do any calculations. Anyway, like I said above, we need to do some serious experiments.
P.S. Strange! I guess, without doing any calculations, that the difference in densities is quite large. What materials of big density difference are there. Is it possible? The lesser density can't be that small. I can't figure that out without some digging.
Wait. There may be some hole underground there, on the side of lower ground. (It helps if there is some big mass, like a big hill, near higher ground.) Okay, now it seems more probable. (It doesn't necessarily mean that it is highly probable now, let alone that it really is the case.) Well, I'll stop here and leave it to the experts.
Enough 9up from me. --zpdrmn
The whole thing can be an illusion. I can't be sure. I haven't been there before.
刪除I assume above that it is checked out that the slope is like what it is described, the top of the slope is the really the top (on higher ground) and things really rolls uphill.
Physicists already figure it out. It is just an illusion.
刪除Thank you.
Actually, there is a hole in my searching for an explanation. Congratulations if you find it. -zpdrmn
刪除作為長期讀者, 誠心希望先生亦能以此文自省
刪除- 這個當然。
刪除不只聞過則喜, 能夠見賢思齊而不妒也需修為.
刪除聞過則喜幾近逆天而行, 除非天生異稟, 或者後天修為極了得 ~
回覆刪除做到知過不諱和改過不憚已不錯啦 ~
刪除聞過則喜不難, 在下在某些事情上有時就是這樣, 但對大部份或所有過失都聞過則喜, 大概聖人都未必能修養到那個境界.
刪除I was very grateful to my dissertation advisor for correcting the errors in my research. Another interpretation of “過”?
I think so.
回覆刪除我是翻墙过来的大陆兄弟。GOOGLE搜索到此,正在研究此倒是! 非常赞同。