假如你已相信 p,或希望 p 是真的,便有傾向只是找證據支持 p,或只是留意能夠支持 p 為真的事實,而忽略 p 的反證 --- 這就是 confirmation bias。以往我在課堂上給了以上那個解釋後,便會找一些句子代入
p,以免解釋過於抽象,例如「我的朋友都很喜歡我」、「小布殊是個好總統」、和「上帝創造的大自然十分美好」。然而,雖然學生都看似明白,但當我指出 confirmation bias 是大多數人 --- 包括他們 --- 都有的認知偏誤時,有些學生會面露不以為然的神色(意思當然是:我才沒有這種偏誤!)。
昨天我加了一個新的例子,與上述的不同,這個例子與現實生活無關(例子根據心理學家 P. C. Wason 多年前的一個實驗)。我先對學生說:「我心目中有一個簡單到不能再簡單的、有規律的數字序列,我先寫出這個序列的三個數字,你們要猜這個數字序列的規律。」然後在投影屏幕上打出以下三個數字:
2, 4, 6
接著我說:「相信你們都認為自己猜到了。請拿出紙筆,寫下三組數字,每組三個,用來檢驗你們猜的規律是否正確。我會抽樣看看你們用甚麼數字來檢驗自己猜的規律,假如數字符合規律,我會給一個 ü,不符合的則給一個 ´。」
8, 10, 12 ü
100, 102, 104 ü
24, 26, 28 ü
6, 4, 2 ´ *
10, 12, 14 ü
1116, 1118, 1120 ü
我問他們:「有誰認為規律是偶數加 2 遞進(even numbers incrementing by 2)?」幾乎全班舉手。我接著問:「有誰寫下的三個檢驗數字組全都符合這規律?」又是大部份學生舉手。於是我說:「哈!這就是 confirmation bias 了!你們先認定了規律是偶數加 2 遞進,然後只找符合這規律的數字組來檢驗,卻沒有考慮可能的反證;假如你們提出以下的數字組,便會檢驗出規律並不是偶數加 2 遞進。」我在投影屏幕上打出以下數字組:
4, 8, 16 ü
1, 17, 30 ü
30, 17, 1 ´
-2, 2, 4 ü
1/2, 3/4, 16 ´
2, 1000, 2000 ü
最後我說:「規律比你們認為的更簡單,是整數增大(increasing integers)。由於符合偶數加 2 遞進的,也符合整數增大,假如你們只是找證據支持偶數加 2
學生當場經驗了自己的 confirmation bias,有了體會,理解自然更深刻了,而且明白到那是一個普遍的認知偏誤,自己也難免。一個好例子,就有這樣大的分別。
* 我問那學生為何選 “6,
4, 2”,他回答說:「不知道啊!隨便選三個數字吧了。」真是孺子不可教也!
Sometimes my kids in grade school got some math problems on patterns, I would look at them and I said I couldn't be sure what the patterns were. It's obvious to people who didn't know better. To me I could see more than one pattern to each of those problems. They should phrase the problems better.
回覆刪除很多考試的推理題,就是要你有 bias,否則好難在1,2 分鐘內得到答案。
回覆刪除沒有 bias,怎可學語言?
沒有 bias, 老婆怎可以一個合理的時間判斷老公去滾?
Helo Yan,
刪除1 有沒有例子?
2 小弟唔明,能否解釋為何學習語言需要Bias
3 這句「老婆怎可以一個合理的時間判斷老公去滾」,小弟唔明,語句又好像有少少不通...
//沒有 bias, 老婆怎可以一個合理的時間判斷老公去滾?//
刪除Don't sleep with your husband for some 合理的時間, like a month. If he doesn't complaint, you can pretty much 判斷 that surely your 老公去滾.
/*3 這句「老婆怎可以一個合理的時間判斷老公去滾」,小弟唔明,語句又好像有少少不通...*/
刪除Sorry, 近來很少用腦,又很懶,這文句當然文句不通,應是:老婆怎可以以一個合理的時間內判斷老公去滾。
其他的,sorry, 沒太大的力量去答。
To Yan,
刪除不用say sorry, 小弟只是想弄得明白...
1 老婆怎可以以一個合理的時間"去"判斷老公去滾
2 老婆怎可以"於"一個合理的時間內判斷老公去滾
even though I do not know who you are,
i think i should say thanks to you.
your definition seems to be
「(如果該老婆)沒有 bias, 老婆怎可以 於一個合理的時間後、單以她老公的反應而判斷老公去滾?」
neither 「沒有 bias, 老婆怎可以一個合理的時間判斷老公去滾?」nor 「沒有 bias, 老婆怎可以以一個合理的時間內判斷老公去滾?」
in cognitive science term, you may call the bias as a "prior possibility" of the proposed bayesian mind theory.
刪除I didn't really try to analyze the sentence. I just guess what it meant as if it was said by an average person. I didn't even really care about the "bias" part. I wouldn't say what I jokingly suggested was without bias or it would really work (it may backfire). I would say that if 老婆沒有 bias, she should hire a private eye to check her husband out.
Are you attending school in Seattle? What school you are in?
Oh hi, sorry for late reply.
刪除i have graduated last year from UW.
//沒有 bias, 老婆怎可以一個合理的時間判斷老公去滾?//
or//if 老婆沒有 bias, she should hire a private eye to check her husband out.//
i will say if 老婆沒有 bias, she will never think her husband will cheat on her .
以前聽過一個字眼,cherry pick,大概也是confirmation bias的意思。很生動的說法,只挑甜的櫻桃吃,哈哈。
回覆刪除1「『1116, 1118, 1200』是對」是否同學的驗正?
如果是,是否應該寫成「1116, 1118, 1120」?
2「2. 1000, 2000」中的「.」是否應該 是「,」?
刪除剛看了這篇,再看了Facebook 上的星座性格分析,驚覺真的很易有confirmation bias 而不自覺。
回覆刪除如果confirmation bias是人類中固有的一種客觀存在(甚至動物似乎也是有的,動物似乎也會根據過往的「經驗」而作出bias判斷),那麼根據人類的這種固有存在而去推測某類型人的想法或行為,那是否又屬confirmation bias?
刪除假如你認為某人有 confirmation bias,這個判斷本身也可能有 confirmation bias。
刪除是的。但是很多時confirmation bias卻似乎是一種有用的工具,被普遍應用於很多行業例如保險公司,就通常會對年齡低於25歲的駕車人士收取更高的保險費以及很多行業例如銀行等都會利用統計數據去預測各種趨勢,應該都是應用了confirmation bias來達到那些除此以外就不能夠得到的結果。
刪除你好像誤會了 "confirmation bias" 的意思。Confirmation bias 是一種不自覺的心理機制,不是刻意運用的方法。
刪除是,confirmation bias應該是一種負面或貶義的意思,我只是覺得有些像是「聰明」和「古滑」那樣,一個是褒一個是貶,但都含有腦筋靈活的意思那樣, confirmation bias似乎也好像帶有某程度的statistics而得出某種trend,只是bias是負面的詞,而trend則是正面的。
刪除又例如如果要criticize保險公司對25歲以下年輕人收高額的保費,可以說保險公司做法有confirmation bias之嫌,但如果要肯定保險公司的做法,也可以說它們的做法符合statistics trend,這是我的感覺,不知對否?
刪除你這樣理解 "confirmation bias" 兩字,也無不可,不過已不是我講的心理機制。
刪除I am not sure if Wong's 心理機制 is what one thinks or how one behaves. Since you talk about statistics, so let's deal with behavior. Let's say, an insurance company looks at the statistics for the whole nation and finds that drivers under 25 are involved in accidents more. Every year it looks at statistics for the whole nation and uses the data to set the premium for drivers under 25 for the whole nation. I won't called in conformation bias or any kind of bias. However, if the company looks at the statistics only for a small city which has been known for its high rate, much higher than the national average rate, of accidents that involve drivers under 25 and uses the data to set the premium for drivers under 25 for the whole nation, I would say that it is statistically biased. Whether it is confirmation bias, I wouldn't say. To you, it may be. To Wong, it may not be.
You may think it's fair by using nationwide average data however, for those who living in small towns or countryside may think it could get even worse because the accident rates in those areas are usually lower than the big cities, nationwide average would bring up their rates and make them to pay more.