這些東西我都無甚認識,不肯定兒子說的是對是錯,但我聽後至少知道他對國際政治的認識原來這麼多;我欣賞的不是他記下了如此大量的資料,而是他能夠消化和分析資料,並且思想也相當成熟和 sophisticated(想不到恰當的中文詞語),遠超一般十五歲不到的少年。
我很少當兒子的面稱讚他,這次也忍不住對他說 "I’m impressed, very impressed!" 。他聽後先睜大眼睛,然後露齒而笑,接著轉過身來,作狀攬我,大大聲說了句 "Thanks,
I'm really happy for you! Most teenagers nowadays rarely care about politics, let alone international relations. And if your son wants to study international relations in college, I'd suggest Lewis & Clark College and Georgetown. Their IR undergraduate programs are very good.
回覆刪除By the way, your son is really sophisticated. You should be glad.
刪除果真虎父無犬子,青出於藍勝於藍!You lucky family!
回覆刪除P.S. Kung Hei Fat Choy! jl
Thanks. We're really lucky.
刪除Happy Chinese New Year!
刪除中國政府對付藏獨運動的手段是否合適: 他說他不懂得答道德上是否合適的問題。如果談政策的效果,他認為中國政府很難解決藏獨運動問題,因為單憑打壓只能收暫時之效,銀彈政策(令西藏人民生活大大改善)亦不會有很大作用。
中國駐南斯拉夫使館被炸事件的原因: 他認為是因為中國使館下真的藏有美軍戰機 Stealth F-117 的殘骸,美國政府找個藉口炸了使館,想將殘骸毀滅,以免獨有的軍事科技落入中國之手。
韓戰裏美國有沒有侵略中國的意圖: 他認為沒有,但認為美國政府有削弱中國政治勢力的意圖。
刪除扯開話題一問,我想問一下你對Richard Rorty 的有甚麼看法? 因為我發覺通常提到他的思想都是一些so called, Continental philosophies。 而王sir 平時提到的哲學家(或者列舉當代哲學家的名字時)都不會提起他。 而我在維基百科看 他的Reception and Criticism 的人的都似是歐洲的名字(沒有真的去查是否全是歐洲哲學家)。
回覆刪除Richard Rorty 的著作,我只看過 Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature 及 Consequences of Pragmatism 裏的幾篇文章,都不喜歡,認為他寫得馬虎。
刪除Rorty 本來是個分析哲學家,那本有名的文集 The Linguistic Turn 就是他編的,但他後來轉向 pragmatism 和歐陸哲學,在英美哲學界是個特殊人物。
可否請你的兒子推介一些有關中東局勢的書目?香港英文書店的選擇少之又少,網上書店又多如繁星. 謝謝!
回覆刪除Ray Takeyh, Guardians of the Revolution
- A history of Iran after the Islamic Revolution. Includes important topics such as Imam Khomeini, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the Iran-Iraq War, Iran's nuclear program, and the 2009 election protests.
Rachel Bronson, Thicker than Oil: America's Uneasy Partnership with Saudi Arabia
- A history of the Saudi-American partnership. Explains reasons for the current state of the Saudi-US relationship, covers a number of important incidents, and suggests a plan for the future.
Stephen Kinzer, Reset: Iran, Turkey, and America's Future
(Alternate title: Reset Middle East: Old Friends and New Alliances: Saudi Arabia, Israel, Turkey, Iran)
- Discusses the role of the US in the Middle East and examines the history of four countries (Israel, Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Turkey), as well as why they are important to the United States. The book suggests that Iran and Turkey are America's next great partners for establishing a peaceful, democratic Middle East.
Robert Lacey, Inside the Kingdom: Kings, Clerics, Modernists, Terrorists, and the Struggle for Saudi Arabia
- A book that discusses the current state of Saudi Arabia, tracing its history from the 1970 oil boom through the 1991 Gulf War and the events of 9/11 to today.
Mitchell Geoffrey Bard, The Complete Idiot's Guide to Middle East Conflict
- A history of wars, conflicts, and tensions in the Middle East. Mostly focuses on the Arabian Peninsula (Israel, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Kuwait, Yemen, Oman, Qatar, Bahrain, and the UAE). Much of the book discusses either intra-Arab conflicts or the Arab-Israeli Conflict and the Palestine issue.