Thomas Nagel 的 What Does It All Mean? ,「感覺很不錯」,問我可否推薦幾本哲學入門書。這位讀者的意思應該是希望我可以推薦一些像
Nagel 那本一樣、能令她/他「感覺很不錯」的哲學入門書;我猜想「感覺很不錯」的意思至少是「讀得懂,覺得有趣,讀後認為自己對哲學的認識因而增加了」。我據這個理解推薦了兩本,作者都是加拿大戴爾豪斯大學
(Dalhousie University) 哲學教授 Robert M. Martin:
(Broadview Press, 2006)
There Are Two Errors in
the the Title of This Book, third edition (Broadview, 2011)
There Are Two Errors in
the the Title of This Book 的副題是 "A Sourcebook of Philosophical Puzzles, Problems,
and Paradoxes",較著重趣味,不是一本全面的哲學入門書,但好處是各章節短小精幹,而且內容獨立,可以隨便抽一些來讀,斷斷續續讀下去也沒所謂;此外,內容也的確十分有趣,很能刺激哲學思考。(單看書名,便見得出作者的機智。書名重複了
"the",只是一個 error,第二個 error,正正在於說 "there are two errors";另一方面,書名也示範了自我指涉
(self-reference) 的邏輯問題:如果把「第二個 error」計在內,書名便真的有兩個 errors,而非事實上只有一個 error 而誤說為兩個,那麼,「第二個
error」便消失,那麼,書名便是只有一個 error 而誤說為兩個... )
(2) 寫得清楚易懂、深入淺出。
(3) 示範了哲學思辨。
(4) 介紹了主要的哲學問題和論證。
(5) 介紹了哲學裏常用的詞彙和概念。
(6) 介紹了哲學史上最重要的哲學家和他們的主要觀點。
(7) 指引讀者如何進一步探索有興趣的哲學問題。
Philosophical Conversations 符合了所有條件,Nagel 的 What Does It All Mean? 已很不錯,但在 (5)-(7) 都有欠缺,因此不及
Martin 的這本理想。
Martin 自己表明,他沒有嘗試塑造鮮明的角色,對話亦沒有情節可言:
you'll read looks like a play, but it's pretty bad as drama: the characters are
one-dimensional, and they happen, by unbelievable silly coincidence to be
around to talk about their positions at just the point when this becomes
relevant. There's no plot and no dramatic tension. Well, this book doesn't try
to be good theatre. The idea behind this format is simply to gather positions,
arguments, and replies together". (p.12)
因此,Martin 索性連名字也不作了,只用角色代表的觀點來稱呼他們,例如
"sceptic", "dualist", "behavorist",
"speech-act theorist"。每一章都有多個角色對話,試看以下一章的結構,便可以窺見全書的格局:
Martin 在書的引言裏還有幾句說話,特別深得我心:
worry if, at the end of the day, some things are still not completely clear to
you. In philosophy, there are always more depths to dig down to. And don't be
discouraged by the prospect of a substantial intellectual workout. You might
even find it enjoyable (like a good energetic exercise in the gym can be
physically enjoyable --- they tell me). You'll feel your brain getting stronger
by the day." (pp.13-14)
那幽默的 "they tell me" 三字可刪 --- 運動的確是有樂趣的。
刪除請問另外一本哲學入門書" The Great Conversation" by Norman Melchert 不知好不好?
刪除你出帖前已決定買這本,看完你這個帖和書的Coversation I後,相信沒選錯。謝推介!