首先,文章完全沒有解釋甚麼是念力,更遑論提出科學的解釋,文不對題至此,也算罕見了。周兆祥在「念力」一詞後括了「mind power, 指內心的力量」,似乎就當是解釋了「念力」的意思,但這只是用一個不清楚的詞語(「內心的力量」)去代替另一個不清楚的詞語(「念力」),根本不是解釋 ---「內心」指甚麼?信念?情感?欲望?思考過程?非物質的心靈?還是包括以上一切?
內心的力量應該是一種 power了(周兆祥說那是 mind power),但在這個「解釋」提出之前的一段,周兆祥講的是能量(energy)和質量的互轉,並說「明白了這個道理」,念力「就沒有甚麼神秘了」,可是,energy 和 power 是兩個不同(但相關)的概念,究竟念力是一種 energy 還是 power ?總之,假如你搞不清楚甚麼是念力,說「念力」指內心的力量,兼扯上「能量」這一概念,只會令你更加糊塗。
事實上,周兆祥在談能量和質量互轉的那一段,已暴露了他對科學的無知。他說「E=MC2,E 就是能量,M 就是物質的重量大小,C 就是速度」,短短四句,就有兩個錯誤:C 不「就是速度」,而是光速; M 是質量(mass),但在物理學裏「質量」並不是指物質的重量大小,質量和重量的分別,真是歌仔也有得唱:
刪除//燒一枝火柴也是質量轉換為能量// It depends on how one sees it or what (kind of) mass one is talking about. (For example, some people may say that an hot object has more mass than when it is colder.) But I think when scientists talk about 質量轉換為能量 they don't think about 燒一枝火柴, and when they talk about 燒一枝火柴, they will think about chemical energy converting to heat and light. --zpdrmn
刪除Well, see this: Is There a Connection Between a Burning Log and E=mc2?
刪除I have read the match burning description 3 times and the log burning description 2 times or more before. The former has been on the web for at least 6 years. Without getting into materials that are too technical, please refer to the 2 short paragraphs in wiki:
刪除the first two paragraphs of the section Binding Energy And The "Mass Defect" up to the clause "so that total mass is conserved."
Note 1: note the difference indicated there: matter converted to energy vs "mass" converted to energy.
Note 2: For the dynamite case: when the surrounding absorbs the heat, its mass increases. Some loses some gains. The total?
Again, as I said, it depends on how one sees it. So, whatever opinion one has, that's fine.
Also, I would guess that there aren't experiments measuring the mass difference between the before and after masses in the match and log burning cases. But people discuss these cases as if there are experiments done. (Well, they don't say "in theory.") Even if there are experiments confirming the claim (I wouldn't be surprised if the results support it), we still have to consider the 2 paragraphs I refer to. --zpdrmn
If you are interested, you can take a look at Ch.12 of Richard Wolfson's Simply Einstein: Relativity Demystified and Ch.6 of Brian Cox's & Jeff Forshaw's Why Does E=MC2.
刪除I don't have these books. I may be able to get access to the first later. But in the meantime, let me explain what bug me in those descriptions of match and log burning. You can tell me if the authors of books you suggest would describe them the same way. If they do, I'll give up and just say it may be a disservice to the readers when they have such a platform to explain things in details.
刪除There are the two points that bug me. (Well, 3 points. I'll talk about 2 only.)
1. Let me talk a bit about the concept of rest mass M0. I don't really like it but I have no say in it, so I have to take it. I don't like it because I may need to do bookkeeping, depending on what problem is at hand. The rest mass includes mechanical (or gravitational) potential energy, chemical (chemical potential) energy, heat energy, and whatnot. Too many things. Bookkeeping. I don't know much about the history how it happened. It may be that from Einstein's equation if one excludes all the other terms on the RHS except the first, one is left with E0=M0*c*c. That's elegant and convenient in writing it out. (The second term of the RHS of the equation is kinetic energy, it may be the reason that when it and the higher terms are excluded, the M in the first and the only remaining term, M0, is called the rest mass. Again, I don't know the history.) Now, let's look at the match and log burning cases, they don't talk about what's in the rest mass. What part of the rest mass is converted into energy? They don't say. The chemical energy part of the rest mass is converted into heat and light energy. If I have only a few lines to explain things, I would skip this rest mass thing and simply use the good old energy conversion, one form of energy converts into some other forms of energy. (That's what I did earlier, hoping that I didn't need to write too much.)
2. Where do the heat and light energy go? They don't say either. Such lack of explanation (may be from other cases than the 2 we are discussing here) gets hammered by the writer of the 2 paragraphs I refer to. He/she even calls it false use of mass-energy conversion. I am not sure what the writers of the burning cases know or don't know. So, I won't say that it is false use. The point is that we should look at the whole thing as in closed systems if we can. These cases, unlike nuclear reactions, do not involve a huge amount energy so that we may not be able to contain it. (When we can measure mass to very high accuracy, ten to minus whatever exponent in grams, and can do experiments on this burning mass into energy, we'd better use closed systems.) Why do they look at them as in open systems? That bugs me. In a closed system as described in the 2 paragraphs, we can keep account of where the heat and light go. They get absorbed by the surroundings and thus the rest mass of the surroundings is increased. (We should do some bookkeeping here too. What parts of the rest mass of the surroundings are increased?) In such sense the rest mass of the closed system remains the same. (some gain some lose.) Even before this mass-energy conversion thing, when scientists looked at mass conservation they considered closed systems. Same for energy conservation.
刪除What bug me: 1. No bookkeeping of the rest mass, thus the chemical energy. (They don't even mention this term or the like: chemical energy, chemical potential energy, binding energy etc. I haven't checked the exact definition of binding energy, it may include something more than chemical energy.)
2. Not giving a description of the bigger picture, namely, a closed system. Well, there is one more thing that bugs me, but I don't want to write anymore. It is briefly discussed but not explained in details in the 2 paragraphs I refer to.
Why they bug me? They may mislead readers.
For example, when a reader thinks about in the match or log burning case the mass (should be the chemical energy part of the rest mass) that converts into energy, he/she may think about the “wrong” part of the rest mass, or they may not even know there are different parts.
The “wrong” part may be the “matter” that the writer of the 2 paragraphs talks about. But I am not sure, too many people, the writers, the readers... are involved. How could I know what they think? --zpdrmn
//You can tell me if the authors of books you suggest would describe them the same way. If they do, I'll give up and just say it may be a disservice to the readers when they have such a platform to explain things in details.//
刪除- Yes, they do. Both authors (and they are physicists) say E=MC2 applies to match and log burning. As Cox & Forshaw say, "The conversion of mass to energy is therefore not such an exotic process. It is happening all the time." (Why Does E=MC2?, p.145).
刪除who would tell?
刪除無讀周兆祥的理論文章, 有聽他在香港電台的節目. 有點宗教綠感覺.雖然對他有關椰子油效用懷疑, 但他關於吃和人與昆蟲相處的經驗的確值得参考.我對食物的選擇範圍大了.
回覆刪除早就覺得他們有些宗教熱. haode2010
刪除他的club o 一直宣揚銅人療法, 敲公仔醫病.
刪除- 咁深我點識答呀!
- 抗抑鬱藥的效用是很成疑問的,這本書有詳細資料:The Emperor's New Drugs: Exploding the Antidepressant Myth
刪除真的不太知道weight and mass分別,歌裡說mass用kg and g,weight用n,咁我地平時講既體重(weight)用kg,到底系指地球只用50kg就可以令我呢個人唔浮起黎,定我mass有50?