
早兩星期 Inside Higher Ed 報導有些網站提供「替你上課」的服務,其中一個的名稱打正旗號叫  “wetakeyourclass.com”

收費代寫論文的網站已不少,隨便用 write my paper  write your paper” 來搜尋便可輕易找到,這一個網站的服務特別之處是代顧客上整個課程;代顧客上的,只限於網上課程,否則便困難得多。假如你幫襯,甚麼也不必做,只須付錢,他們甚至可以保證你拿 A(收費當然高一些了)。

以往網上課程只由少部份主要在網上運作的大學提供,例如 University of Phoenix,現在則越來越多正規大學(包括名牌大學)將一些課程轉為 100% 網上授課;學生根本不必現身,假如找個替身來聽課、做習作、寫論文、測驗、考試,即使校方有些防範機制,要破解亦不會太困難。當然,沒有人會平白替別人上課,也未必有能力,要找替身,就要付款請「專業人士」了。

Inside Higher Ed 的報導刊出不久,wetakeyourclass.com 便停止了運作,可能跟報導有關係。Inside Higher Ed 早兩天再有一篇簡短的跟進報導,說有一個自稱是 wetakeyourclass.com 網主的男子來電,表示網站賺錢不多,加上負面報導,於是決定關閉。這些說話是真是假,難以證實,不過,他自辯(假設他真的是網主)的說話就顯然是歪理:他說收費代人上課的服務沒有甚麼不妥,問題是出在課程的安排太容易讓學生作弊了!

8 則留言:

  1. //你付錢、我上課// I'm afraid that it will be what my kids say when they attend college. LOL! --zpdrmn

    1. I meant what my kids say to me. --zpdrmn

  2. zpdrmn, I reckon they'll go: "Dad, you'll pay me and YOU take my classes. Oh, and I want the car keys too."


    1. 49er,
      LOL, but I don't think my kids will ask me to take their classes for them though.
      Well, to prevent that from happening I will play dumb from now on. --zpdrmn

  3. Unfortunately, this is the call of the day. More worse, think about who are now running our education.
    All these connotations like - adding 'value', 'value' added education, 'value'effectiveness, etc are telling. What sort of value we are talking about here?
    I am afraid you need to check these out with your so called education 'officials', the so 'profess'(ors), and you readers yourself.

    1. //I am afraid you need to check these out with your so called education 'officials', the so 'profess'(ors), and you readers yourself.//

      - Not sure what you mean.

  4. This is not a new phenomenon. Before the days of online courses and degrees, I heard that students would hire people to take exams or even take an entire class for them - of course, the latter was only an option for those rich enough to pay someone for an extended period of time. That's why even way back then, there were professors who would check students' identity to verify who they were.

    The Internet and the availability of online degrees just makes this form of cheating more affordable and widely available for students.

    1. The problem is exactly that this kind of cheating is becoming more and more affordable to most students.
