假如人死後以另一種形式生存(例如沒有肉體,不在時空),我希望自己有最後的自由 --- 有自由選擇是否繼續存在。就算我是上天堂,就算天堂是極樂完美之境,就算我滿心歡喜十分享受天堂的生活,我仍然希望有那最後的自由,假如活到某一點真的是活得不耐煩了,可以選擇「唔玩啦」,在天堂自殺,真的死去,徹底消滅,不再存在。
Like what I said in a comment I left before: One life is enough. Don't be greedy.
It's somewhat like a Buddha getting into nirvana forever and won't come back to this world/ universe. To me, it is like 徹底消滅,不再存在. I know many may not agree. But I am not going to defend it. However one thinks it is, it is indefensible. Imaginary!
Very wild guess (again!): The historical Buddha didn't really buy cyclic existence (reincarnation etc,) but he couldn't say that he thought it wasn't there and went against what everybody in India believed in then. (犯世間相違過) He couldn't preach his stuffs if he did that. He only left a hint. I am not going to defend this either.
Since there are discussions about politics in another blog entry and there is another entry about 艾未未, I quote this:
Even if all the 奮戰 are futile, we can see them as 藝術作品. Hope 文少 would enjoy. --zpdrmn
Arthur C Clarke 曾寫過一部科幻小說 The City and the Stars, 說未來世界, 科技可令人永生, 不過所謂永生, 是每活一千年之後, 就要「死」一次, 然後再由電腦在隨機的時間讓你「復生」。而在每一段時間中, 只有全體人口的少部份「生存」。
回覆刪除如此這般, 你每「輪迴」一次, 都會活在由不同人物構成的社會中。又可以選舉不同的興趣(在故事中, 未來的科技太先進, 無人須工作謀生)。例如你上一世是科學家, 今世可改做詩人之類。
既然沒有在肉體世界永存的自由, 我想也不會有在精神世界(姑且當是)不永存的自由.
回覆刪除(今次只是一句, 夠精警lol)�
回覆刪除//他說:「我認為這是我的作品。我的藝術作品是關於溝通與表達我對社會的關切。」 //
- I liked this. Thanks.
回覆刪除//Arthur C Clarke 曾寫過一部科幻小說 The City and the Stars, 說未來世界, 科技可令人永生, 不過所謂永生, 是每活一千年之後, 就要「死」一次, 然後再由電腦在隨機的時間讓你「復生」。而在每一段時間中, 只有全體人口的少部份「生存」。
如此這般, 你每「輪迴」一次, 都會活在由不同人物構成的社會中。又可以選舉不同的興趣(在故事中, 未來的科技太先進, 無人須工作謀生)。例如你上一世是科學家, 今世可改做詩人之類。
- 你敘述的故事還未涉及自由,因為你沒有說那種「輪迴」是否由人選擇。如果可以選擇,我會試試,但仍希望有自殺的自由。
- 深有同感。
- 如果神存在,佢唔係無我符,而係玩緊我!
- 這是奧秘,非我輩凡人所能明白。
回覆刪除//(今次只是一句, 夠精警lol)�//
- 那就是警句了。
- 不可妄測上帝你主的心意。
回覆刪除//Even if all the 奮戰 are futile, we can see them as 藝術作品. Hope 文少 would enjoy.//
many ppl criticize my cynical viewpoints, however, I am skeptic and I believed in pragmatism.
Frankly speaking,as a businessman, I enjoy their so-call "struggles" if I treat them as clowns. however, if their shows would disturb the status quo of our society, I will criticise them.
//It's somewhat like a Buddha getting into nirvana forever and won't come back to this world/ universe. To me, it is like 徹底消滅,不再存在.//
回覆刪除your thought is similar with ancient Buddhist concept, Mahayana(大乘) Buddhism believes that people will go to Sukhavati(極樂世界) after nirvana.
After reading this article, I more believed that W.Wong's cosmology is quite similar with Buddhism, esp. ancient Buddhism.
- 如果你指的「死」是不再以任何形式存在,那又如何能夠「想生返」呢?誰在想啊?
The way I see it, the common Christian interpretation of heaven can be interpreted as a Twilight Zone type of plot:
回覆刪除Some intelligent alien who had figured out how to live forever. S/he got bored and needed to keep some pets for companionship. So s/he abducted some of us earthlings to his/her planet and gave us eternal life as well. However, to keep us "happy," we the abducted earthlings were given Zoloft or some other kind of super anti-depressant. Because we the abductees are "happy" under the influence of drugs, we willingly sing praises of our abductor. We are thankful for the abduction because we are given an eternal life filled only with happiness. Because we are made happy, the idea of ending our eternal life won't even come up in our mind.
But of course, at the conclusion of the episode, Rod Serling would probably ask the viewers if the earthlings are truly enjoying eternal happiness.
回覆刪除I think the new series of The Outer Limits has an episode with a similar plot.
回覆刪除// if their shows would disturb the status quo of our society, I will criticise them.//
Disturbing or even changing the status quo may not be bad. It depends on what the status quo is. I am in debt to many people in the past who changed the status quo then.
I don't see it. Buddhism (may be except the zen sect) talks about cyclic existence, not 人死如燈滅. Only Buddhas can choose to get out of cyclic existence and into nirvana and do not come back ever again. (To me, they don't even choose to stay in some 極樂世界. I don't care about what the scriptures say about it.) So, to me it is Buddhas 死如燈滅, not 人死如燈滅.
To me, the existence of cyclic existence can only be in one's one and only one life--I take it as an analogy (to living through certain, different psychological states) instead of physical transmigration or reincarnation.
I don't buy 還陽 either.
回覆刪除Imagine that you and your wife live forever after your deaths and that both of you stay together and love each other forever. Throw in as many people as you like, your son, other beloved ones, friends... Even dragons. Your choices. You can do whatever you did before your deaths and a lot more. Never runs out of entertainment. You can also (again your choice) make it like this, every morning you forget everything (or most of what) happened before but still remember the people you know and have certain knowledge. You don't know you have lived forever and won't get bored or tired (of being alive). If that happens, you can go to sleep. The next morning will be like a new life.
Do you want that kind of 永生? --zpdrmn
- 信徒們是不會讚成你說的「不完美的」和「不公義」的。
- 萬歲真的「夠皮」了!
回覆刪除//Do you want that kind of 永生?//
- Definitely not!
//Disturbing or even changing the status quo may not be bad. It depends on what the status quo is. I am in debt to many people in the past who changed the status quo then.//
回覆刪除most of businessmen would prefer political stability which can maintain a stable investment environment,except the speculator...and I don't believe in democratic prophecy.
//I don't see it. Buddhism (may be except the zen sect) talks about cyclic existence, not 人死如燈滅. Only Buddhas can choose to get out of cyclic existence and into nirvana and do not come back ever again. (To me, they don't even choose to stay in some 極樂世界. I don't care about what the scriptures say about it.) So, to me it is Buddhas 死如燈滅, not 人死如燈滅.
To me, the existence of cyclic existence can only be in one's one and only one life--I take it as an analogy (to living through certain, different psychological states) instead of physical transmigration or reincarnation.//
you're right, I forget the concept of reincarnation. 人死如燈滅 is Atheism XDDD
// Imagine that you and your wife live forever after your deaths and that both of you stay together and love each other forever. Throw in as many people as you like, your son, other beloved ones, friends... Even dragons. Your choices. You can do whatever you did before your deaths and a lot more. Never runs out of entertainment. You can also (again your choice) make it like this, every morning you forget everything (or most of what) happened before but still remember the people you know and have certain knowledge. You don't know you have lived forever and won't get bored or tired (of being alive). If that happens, you can go to sleep. The next morning will be like a new life.
回覆刪除Do you want that kind of 永生? --zpdrmn
This feels like the Matrix - Do you want to take the *Truth* pill? Or do you want to forever lie to yourself?
回覆刪除// most of businessmen would prefer political stability which can maintain a stable investment environment,except the speculator...and I don't believe in democratic prophecy.//
I understand the preference for political stability by businessmen and many others (not only businessmen want that). But if you are equating changing status quo to destabilizing the political system in a destructive way (necessarily), I am not convinced.
I am not talking about democratic prophecy. Forget about democracy. You try to tell the black folks in America that their brothers and sisters who were treated like dirt by white people and fought for civil rights in the past (thus changed the status quo then) disturbed businesses (white people's) and was destructive to the political system, you will have a hard time in convincing them that the fight wasn't justified even if you could (unlikely) convince them that it was destructive.
You may say civil rights is about democracy. Well, just imagine that they didn't know anything about democracy and they just fought for being treated better. --zpdrmn
Sirius ,
回覆刪除//Or do you want to forever lie to yourself? //
Well, believing in or wanting any form of 永生 is lying to oneself. The one I suggested is not different. --zpdrmn
- 即使如此,我也想有自殺的自由(雖然未必會運用這自由)。
雖然我是基督徒(自稱), 但老實說不太想要甚麼永生
回覆刪除人生活到80都夠長啦, 咁長命把鬼咩
笑談人生百態 社會政治 文史哲藝
上至天文地理 風雅頌賦比興
下至怪力亂神 屎尿屁嫖賭淫
話唔定 眾多哲學家已經起天上
悶左 就玩玩遊戲