
網友 ohce 剛貼了一篇文章,裏面赫然有兩張男士上半身裸照,其中一張竟是沈旭暉教授的!ohce 寫道:「喂,沈老,乜搵D咁野攪呀?你知你幾多 FANS 架喇!分明引死人架啫!」沈教授那張是自拍照,看來是較年青時拍的,應該是正貼在 Facebook 上;ohce 不只轉載了照片,還引述了一些「抵死」的留言。



(1)  五十多歲的呂大樂教授公開一張二十多歲時的上半身裸照。
(2)  三十多歲的沈旭暉教授公開一張十多歲時的上半身裸照。



(3)  五十多歲的呂大樂教授公開一張現時的上半身裸照。
(4)  三十多歲的沈旭暉教授公開一張現時的上半身裸照。

我認為 (3) (4) 更難接受。此外,是否捧機對鏡自拍又有分別:對鏡自拍,「難頂」很多。為甚麼呢?


30 則留言:

  1. With or without clothes, I think it shows Shum is really into himself... perhaps a bit too much. I guess he is very pleased with both his body and mind.

  2. 因為以自己為標準?一些自以為儍事,欣嘗的人幹了,愕。三十歲不會做,五十歲更不會做,他亦幹了,震。/mirror

  3. 沈教授可能看了《那些年》,也想起了自己的那些年,身形像那男主角的那些年......

  4. (5) 近八十歲的作家倪匡公開他少時是全祼照。
    (6) 近五十歲的作家馬家輝公開他少時是全祼照。
    (7) 近八十歲的作家倪匡公開他現時是全祼照。
    (8) 近五十歲的作家馬家輝公開他現時是全祼照。
    (9) 近五十歲的學者馬家輝公開少現時是全祼照。
    (10) 近五十歲的學者馬家輝公開他現時是全祼照。
    (11) 近八十歲的倪匡公開他少時是全祼照。
    (12) 五十多歲的艾未未公開他現時是全祼照。

    對我來說,只有 (9)-(11) 令人不安。為什麼?

  5. I have seen Ai Wei Wei naked already and there is a sense of humor in those pictures. Like this: http://www.globalpost.com/photo/5653238/naked-ai-weiwei

    I think if 倪匡 has taken naked pictures of himself, he would put a sense of humor in them too. He doesn't seem to take himself too seriously.

    馬家輝 liked to post pictures of himself on his blog too... and he seems to be quite confident with his looks. However, it appears that his self-confidence in his appearance and his intellect is mixed with a hint of insecurity. So he probably won't post his own naked pictures.

    沈旭暉教授 - I wonder what he does with his self-portraits....

    I think narcissism causes more discomfort in me than nakedness.

  6. Wong,

    I've came across a seem-to-be paradoxical question and it racks my brain:
    If you choose an answer at random, what is the probability of being right: A:25%, B:50%, C:0%, D:25%

    Give it a try if you are interested =]

  7. Oops, the question should be 'If you choose an answer to this question at random, what is the chance you will be correct?'

  8. Wong,
    any conclusion? --zpdrmn

  9. 匿名,
    //choose an answer at random, what is the probability of being right//
    An answer to what? Being right about what?
    Where is the question?
    If understand it correctly what is asked there, it is only another example (or variation) of self-reference. --zpdrmn

  10. Yan,
    How young? Four years old? LOL. --zpdrmn

  11. Forgot to say this:
    My bias: When I see a photo like that my reaction usually is that if the man would be a good candidate as a model for me if I was going to do a figure drawing. (I don't do figure drawing anymore and rarely do portrait drawing.)
    I am not saying that if it is a naked woman's photo I will have the same reaction. Maybe I will, but I will have some other reaction too. Hehe. --zpdrmn

  12. 大家想像一下, 若果「裸照」是在沙灘, 泳池, 遊艇, 甚或足球場, 籃球場上拍攝, 又會否有人「接受不了」呢?

    此事再一次證明, 個人資料及照片, 放在網上, 十分危險。

  13. Hi Wong:

    A question to add to your self-reflectio - would you have the same reaction if it was a professor in the U.S. about Shum's age?

  14. 如果是當紅男明星或男模特兒, 只怕還不會這麼難以接受.
    看看什麼港男, 羅仲謙(雜誌用字: 童顏巨乳!)等便知.

    而如果是帥哥身材又好, 縱是無名, 只怕也會有不少人讚好, 可能還能一炮而紅.
    如今網絡世代, 便是如此.

    古時大衛像, 全身赤裸, 也無多少人接受不了(除了某些"壽頭"要替它加上葉片外).
    其他不少雕像, 也是如此.

    不負責的總括成一句話, "如果啲人覺得阿大教授係除得嚟係靚嘅話就唔會接受唔到"...

  15. Lin,

    //I guess he is very pleased with both his body and mind.//

    - I would say I am quite pleased with my body and my mind too, but I would not take pictures like that of myself, let alone post them on the web.

  16. mirror,


    - 那是他二十多歲時的照片,三十出頭時貼出來,也夠震的了。

  17. Meshi,


    - 我真「狽」,竟未聽過這電影。

  18. Yan,

    //對我來說,只有 (9)-(11) 令人不安。為什麼?//

    - 你自己答吧!(你打錯不少字,很得我頭暈暈。)

  19. Lin,

    //I think narcissism causes more discomfort in me than nakedness.//

    - Same here.

  20. //I've came across a seem-to-be paradoxical question and it racks my brain:
    If you choose an answer at random, what is the probability of being right: A:25%, B:50%, C:0%, D:25%//

    - The question refers to itself, which is already problematic. The answers are problematic too:

    Normally each answer has a 25% chance of being the correct answer, but since A and D are the same, the answer "25%" has a 50% chance of being correct. So, if you pick A or D, you are saying there is a 25% chance of being correct, but in fact there is a 50% chance.

    But if you pick B, then you are saying there is a 50% chance of being correct, but B actually has only a 25% chance of being correct.

    Should you pick C then? No, because C says there is no chance (0%) that your answer is correct; in that case, why pick it?

  21. zpdrmn,

    //any conclusion?//

    - Sort of, but I don't want to reveal it.

  22. 楚門,

    //大家想像一下, 若果「裸照」是在沙灘, 泳池, 遊艇, 甚或足球場, 籃球場上拍攝, 又會否有人「接受不了」呢?//

    - 那跟拿相機對鏡自拍有點不同吧。

  23. Lin,

    //A question to add to your self-reflection - would you have the same reaction if it was a professor in the U.S. about Shum's age?//

    - Yes, definitely.

  24. 蝮,

    // "如果啲人覺得阿大教授係除得嚟係靚嘅話就唔會接受唔到".//

    - 全裸呢?

  25. 那倒還得看正面還是背面吧.
    想到當年"色戒"時, 也有不少人的注意力放在梁朝偉的某一部位上.

  26. 說起這話題, 小弟也有個經歷可以分享。
    某年小弟與友人行山, 當時正值盛夏, 天氣炎熱, 我們幾個男生, 也赤膊上陣。
    不過行到中途, 郤遇到一對男女, 男的是個洋人, 身上只穿一條名牌KC底褲, 而且頗「貼身」的。
    只可惜那個女的, 裝束郤是正常, 不是胸圍底褲(或更「開放」的無上裝)上陣。
    記得那個鬼佬還若無其事, 與我們 say hello, 令我們啼笑皆非。

  27. 楚門,

    「只可惜」--- 你很坦率啊!

  28. Wong,
    // //any conclusion?//
    - Sort of, but I don't want to reveal it. //
    Understood and respected. You've already revealed a lot. Self-reflection rocks! --zpdrmn

  29. 用高登話來講﹐小沈陽犯左三個硬膠元素﹐令人覺得佢係真心膠
