過去幾年我買了四五本董橋的書,間中讀一兩篇,也饒有趣味的,亦可滋潤一下自己的文筆。這幾本書中我比較喜歡《白描》,尤愛此書的楔子,短短的,文筆比較平白,卻很感人。今天重讀,仍然被結尾那段觸動心弦,不妨抄在這裏跟大家分享。董橋寫的是六十年代在他家暫住的薇姨 *:
* 後記:這句本來是「董橋寫的是六十年代在他家裏當傭人的薇姨」,網友 ohce 指出薇姨只是寄居。我當然看到原文的「暫住我家的薇姨」,但我一向以為那是董橋委婉的寫法,薇姨其實是在他家當傭人;經 ohce 一提,不得不承認這可能是我過份想像的結果,所以便改寫了。至於 ohce 說董橋這段文字是「令人討厭的矯情淺薄」,風格屬「濫文藝」,我只能說見仁見智,不必反駁。
回覆刪除do you play some piano these days? I am practicing a new song on my piano now. (I played that before on a keyboard without dynamics. Of course, it's much more difficult with dynamics now.) I am almost done with it and want to go up a level. If I can handle that level and get to yet another higher level, (even if I can only handle one or two pieces there,) I will be satisfied. That will (extremely) likely be my limit. I know it.
Oh, one thing. My nephew plays piano much better than me. He once commented, when I said I couldn't play at his level after he played a piece, that one could play music beautifully at a low level too. Maybe that's more important. But now I will try to reach the limit of what pieces I can handle. Then I will focus on playing some pieces beautifully. (I doubt if I can do it well there.)
--zpdrmn (an old dog trying to learn new tricks)
回覆刪除Good for you. I am picking up piano again, but have not been playing as often as I have planned to.
Hi Wong,
回覆刪除Me too, I plan once a week but would not success; always once a month. My finger would not catch what my eyes saw, still need more practice. MW
回覆刪除Fun for watching MW
回覆刪除//I am picking up piano again, but have not been playing as often as I have planned to. //
Good for you too. It is a start. Keep going.
回覆刪除Thanks for sharing.