
昨晚跟幾個同事一起看英瑪褒曼(Ingmar Bergman)的《秋天奏鳴曲》(Autumn Sonata),我多年前已看過一次,這次重看,感受更深。此片主要講兩母女的愛恨關係,將親情的複雜和脆弱表露無遺,亦點出了孤獨感的難以逃避和難以承受。我不是褒曼迷,但這電影我實在喜歡得很(我喜歡的褒曼電影還有 Wild Strawberries, Winter Light, Scenes from a Marriage, 和 Fanny and Alexander

此片有另一個褒曼,就是英格烈褒曼(Ingrid Bergman),飾演母親,與英瑪褒曼的愛將麗芙烏曼(Liv Ullmann)大演對手戲,兩人都演技出色,英格烈褒曼的演出尤其細膩。這是英格烈褒曼的最後演出,時年六十三矣,當然沒有《北非諜影》時的嫵媚,但依然有一股高雅之氣。(兩個褒曼並非親戚。)

這電影非常傷感,不是煽情令人落淚,而是看得人心情極之沉重;母女夜半互吐真情的那一場,那悲傷苦痛,看得我簡直有點有點透不過氣來。看罷有同事形容這是一齣「情感的恐怖片」(an emotional horror film),想來真的很貼切。

27 則留言:

  1. 我都唔明解北歐人生活舒適,環境優美,政治清明,少有憂患,為何對人生睇得咁灰。

  2. 水清則無魚?

  3. 講起電影, 最近有一部, 我看了預告片後已很想看, 在此推介一下:


    據說此片將香港上映, 不知美國又如何?

  4. Seasonal depression is common in people of the Nordic countries.

  5. Chris,


    - Seasonal affective disorder (SAD)?

  6. 克萊門特,


    - 水不清呢?

  7. 楚門,

    //講起電影, 最近有一部, 我看了預告片後已很想看, 在此推介一下:
    據說此片將香港上映, 不知美國又如何?

    - 原來是《海角七號》的導演。在美國我未聽過此片,不知會不會在這裏上映。

  8. //Seasonal depression is common in people of the Nordic countries.//

    - And the interesting question is, why?

  9. Bergman的戲就係如此不留餘地,直搗人心.有時我會形容他冷酷,但與Kubrick的冷冰冰又截然不同,不知王sir能否提供貼切的形容詞?

    另,你喜歡那麼多齣bergman,還不算bergman迷嗎? 我喜歡他始於seventh seal,那時還很渴求宗教,十分震撼.


  10. f,

    Bergman 四十多部電影中我只特別喜歡這幾部,不算迷吧!想不到恰當的形容詞,但王國維這首〈浣溪沙〉的下闋,我認為用來形容 Bergman 的電影很適合:


  11. // 為何對人生睇得咁灰 //
    // //Seasonal depression is common in people of the Nordic countries.//

    - And the interesting question is, why? //

    Before stating my wild guess, let me say this. First, we assume that Nordic people //對人生睇得咁灰// is correct in general. Second, my take, even if it's correct, doesn't really answer the WHY question.

    My guess: not enough sunlight in long winter >> not enough certain chemical in the body >> Seasonal depression >> //對人生睇得咁灰// despite //生活舒適,環境優美,政治清明//, (but they have money) >> produce movies like that. >>
    (Better use of the money: Go south in winter like the migrating birds.)
    Above is my oversimplification again.
    Glad to be a Southerner. --zpdrmn

  12. zpdrmn:
    //My guess: not enough sunlight in long winter >> not enough certain chemical in the body >> Seasonal depression//

    What you've guessed is correct. In fact the standard first line treatment of the condition is to install bright fluorescent lighting in patient's home.

    In London, the sun rose at 9am and went down at 4pm. It'd be darkness on your way to work, and on the way back. And Stockholm and Oslo are as north as the northern tip of Scotland. Just imagine the darkness.

  13. 王sir,謝謝,那半闕詞的確應景,回味無窮.


  14. //滴滴的雨水滴在//


  15. karol,


    - 我每字都斟酌過的,滴個不停才似下雨嘛!寫「落在」,下面兩行又有「落」字,一樣是重複,而且無效果。

  16. rseric,

    Thanks for the info. One thing I didn't mention was that I heard a comment that only a Scottish(? Scotland is rocky, windy, barren?) could write Harry Potter--dark... dark magic (?) I've forgot the description. (I think it is overgeneralized but maybe there is a point.) I also heard about London's depressing weather, (other than what you said, rain, fog?)
    I would guess (again!) fluorescent lighting is probably not enough for Nordic people, tanning bed kind of lighting or UV lighting (used, esp. for kids, in winter in some area in Russia) maybe better. Maybe the lighting you mentioned is such a kind. --zpdrmn

  17. Wong,
    Also, 滴滴...滴... I can hear the sound.
    滴滴...落... would kill most of the sound effect.
    滴滴...滴... is a much better choice. --zpdrmn

  18. zpdrmn:
    1, Probably they're referring to Scottish Highland. The place have a reputation of being rocky, barren, windy, with lots of rain, while there are more sheep than man. I've not been there, though images in Google Map did give me that impression as well.

    2, Strong visible light would be sufficient in most cases. It's nothing to do with skin absorption. The receptor is within the eye, and while the nerve signals resulted in vision, some of them pass through another branch of nerve to the pineal gland. The gland, which is located inside the brain, secret hormones (heard of Melatonin?) which controlled one's day-night cycle. Seasonal depression is associated with a problem in the cycle induced by prolonged darkness (The exact physiology is more complex, though.)
    It would not work in around one-fourth of the cases. In those cases anti-depressants would be needed.

  19. rseric,
    Thanks for the info.
    //Strong visible light would be sufficient //
    Do you know if using light bulbs/tubes giving off light simulating natural light (spectrum) will have better treatment results? (compared with traditional fluorescent light.) I have known about this kind of light bulbs for some time but never bought one. Today I saw some, packaged with some desk lamps, in the store by chance. Supposed to be good for reading. --zpdrmn

  20. Zpdrmn:
    There are still debates regarding to the best wave length of the light. For details: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Light_therapy

  21. 「情感的恐怖片」這個形容詞確實很妙!另,很喜歡你這首寫雨中撐傘的詩。:)

  22. 說起「情感的恐怖片」,我想起The Hours,Philip Glass的配樂很有魔力:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3FniHgiyaTY

  23. K Yeung,


    - 謝謝!

  24. K Yeung,

    //說起「情感的恐怖片」,我想起The Hours,Philip Glass的配樂很有魔力:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3FniHgiyaTY//

    - 我很喜歡 The Hours,看了兩次。Philip Glass 的音樂的確很配合此片。

  25. rseric,
    thanks. --zpdrmn

  26. 「看得人心情極之沉重」「...透不過氣來」
    我看Cries and Whispers時就是這樣,甚至不忍細看,只敢遠觀,欣賞畫面的構圖與色彩算了(遠觀,即坐遠些兼把焦距拉遠)。不想輕言放棄嘛,因為我很喜歡他的Wild Strawberries,想知道這位人兄這次腦中想甚麽,想說甚麽,。不過,Cries and Whispers 之後,找他的電影變得很小心,怕心臟負擔不來。後來看了Fanny and Alexander, 我最喜愛的bergman電影還是Wild Strawberries (暫時).有天你若寫為甚麽你喜歡Fanny and Alexander,也許我會找電影來重看。

  27. shiren,

    Cries and Whispers 想看已久,卻不知怎的,一直沒有看;你這麼說,我會立即找來看。Fanny and Alexander 要重看一次才可以談。
