我最初沒有避忌,便有過這樣的經驗:有一次,我在哲學導論裏用「三位一體」這概念做例子,說明有些概念是你以為自己明白的,其實並不真的明白;誰知有個學生認為我在批評他的信仰,舉手抗議,說我對基督教有偏見,過兩天還索性 drop 了我這課(換了個更兇的,可能會向校方投訴我)。經此一役,我以後都只用摩門教和科學教(Scientology)做例子,因為學生中甚少有摩門教徒和科學教徒。
今天,我在知識論講到 evidence 和 disagreement 的關係時,剛想用摩門教徒相信耶穌復活後到過北美洲為例子,突然心血來潮,便問學生中有沒有人是摩門教徒;這班只有十二人,誰知竟有兩人舉手,於是我要將例子硬生生吞回肚裏!看來摩門教是越來越興盛了,說不定下一屆美國總統就是摩門教徒 Mitt Romney。
在 Youtube 看到一個介紹摩門教信仰的動畫,是一個已脫離摩門教的人製作的,不妨看看:
回覆刪除Those American young men in Hong Kong who wear a very neat shirt and pants are Mormen, right? I just can't believe it will attract believers.
回覆刪除By the way, just want to know what were you planning to say if there is no Mormen believers in the class?
回覆刪除First of all, how do you know if the video is accurate or not? Second, "strange" according to whose standard? Mainstream Christian beliefs are strange to those who are from a different belief system and never been exposed to them before.
I would consider Mormonism a Christian sect. Of course most mainstream Evangelical Christians will disagree, because they are the only ones who believe in God the right way and interpret the Bible the right way.
We have a noticeable size of Mormon student population where I teach - they tend to come from small towns that have predominately Mormon population. Some people just stay in the church even if they don't believe because of the connections to a close-knit community (for jobs and other benefits). Some of the students left the church after they moved away for college - which is not uncommon among young adults when they are away from their families or communities.
Sometimes when I see the Mormon missionaries on campus, I ask them if the Evangelical Christians are treating them alright. I believe in freedom of religion, even if I don't believe that any of their gods actually exists.
I know people who still identify themselves as Mormon even though they are quite progressive politically (like supporting gay rights, feminism, etc.) It is just something they grew up with.
- 信法輪功的人遠不及信摩門教的人多。
回覆刪除//First of all, how do you know if the video is accurate or not? //
- This video is indeed controversial. There is an interesting discussion on how accurate a depiction of Mormonism it is.
- 對,現任國會參議院多數黨領袖 Harry Reid 就是摩門教徒。
回覆刪除//Those American young men in Hong Kong who wear a very neat shirt and pants are Mormen, right? I just can't believe it will attract believers.//
- White shirt & black pants. I think so.
//By the way, just want to know what were you planning to say if there is no Mormen believers in the class?//
- I was about to say what Mormons believe about Jesus might just be made-up stories.
We East Asians are doomed. Even Mormon God doesn't gives us a damn. We need another Mormon prophet to find some evidence that Mormon Jesus went to East Asia and spread God's words there-- if not so, at least peed there. Please, please.
回覆刪除Scientology... I would guess that the founders and most believers aren't scientists or don't know much about science. What a creepy name.
Falun... Was the founder, before founding Falun, a guy with 特異 power? Of course, because of that power, he suddenly without learning or practicing knew Buddhism and Taoism and invented a mix of both. What hasn't changed? His meditation method now and his 特異 power in the past can/ could cure cancers and other diseases.
Are we in a zoo now? Interesting creatures! --zpdrmn