
這是一個簡單的心理測驗,是英國心理學家 Richard Wiseman 在他的新書 Paranormality: Why We See What Isn't There 裏提出的;如果你有興趣跟著做,請先只看指示,下面的解釋在做完測驗後才看,以免影響結果。




做完了,現在看看你雙手的上下距離。你開始時雙手是並排的,根據 Wiseman,假如現在你雙手仍然並排或只是上下相距兩三吋,那麼你便不容易受催眠和 subliminal messages (中文該怎譯?)等暗示方式影響;假如你雙手上下相距頗大,那麼要用暗示來影響你的思想和行為,便相當容易了。

這是個 suggestibility 測驗,有多可靠我不知道,只是看了覺得有趣,介紹一下,大家可以玩玩,但不必太認真。

4 則留言:

  1. When I was an undergraduate student, a hypnotist visited our class and demonstrated his technique. That's exactly the balloon part!

    The experiment you've mentioned is indeed a type of self-hypnosis. As you have to frequently give hints to yourself, you will have to be a attentive and focused person (apart from easily influenced by subliminal messages) to have a positive result. So, don't be too happy if your result is negative! :)

  2. rseric,

    //The experiment you've mentioned is indeed a type of self-hypnosis.//

    - Really? How does it work?

  3. As I could remember, when hypnosis is in process, the hypnotist would have to keep on speaking (fairly long-winded indeed). He would keep on saying something like "the balloon is rising and rising... you feel that there are something pulling your arm... You are relaxed, comforted, and the balloon is lifting your relaxed arm gently..."

    It was said that these are hints to your "sub-conscious". The hypnotist supported his theory by quoting Sigmund Freud.

    In my case it worked, but the effect depends on my effort to focus. (That's a morning lecture, and so I was dizzy...) Whether this empirical experience support anything Freudian is, well, controversial.

    And in this experiment, it sounds to me that you have to be your own hypnotist in the process.
