--- 你的說話是我的噪音,我的說話是你的噪音,事實上,大家的說話都是這一大片噪音的一部份。
Dear Wong,
回覆刪除if one talks with reason and good manner, not 謾罵、批鬥、攻訐、嘲笑, then one is not contributing to noise pollution, but hopefully can set an example of good communication.
dr Who
Wong Sir,
刪除I diito with dr Who, but if you said, "以後雖然會對一向關心的事情繼續留意和保持熱心,但要盡量不參與製造噪音。" It sounds to me to that you prefer to stay aloof or remain aloof when the society needs someone to speak up. It is so unlike you. There is a Chinese idiom said, " If you don't speak, noone thinks that you are mute." (my bad translation, sorry) I don't like this saying at all since I were young as it carries a negative tone. I prefer to say something kind and wise or express your opinion honestly and with a good manner. Don't you think?
dr Who,
刪除//if one talks with reason and good manner, not 謾罵、批鬥、攻訐、嘲笑, then one is not contributing to noise pollution, but hopefully can set an example of good communication.//
- That's true generally. However, sometimes unnecessary criticisms of others, albeit reasonable, may cause "noises" (from those who are criticized).
刪除Don't get me wrong, I will still speak up when I think doing so may do some good. What I will try to avoid is taking part in pointless debates (which I did mostly on Facebook rather than on my blog).
Dear Wong,
刪除fully agree with your reply to Rosemary. if one remains silent in front of gross injustice, one becomes an accomplice. many participants in facebook are just expressing emotions and even 50 cents writers from communist, i would not waste time with any of them ( nor emotionally disturbed by them).
Your blog is a rational voice in the internet, keep on.
dr Who
刪除For some people the following song is noise.
回覆刪除6/4/ 媽媽我沒有過錯
「善言伐齊者,亂人也;善言勿伐者,亦亂人也;謂伐之與不伐亂人也者,又亂人也。」--- 莊子 • 雜篇 • 則陽
--- 隱菁