




8 則留言:

  1. 紅樓夢說女人是水做的,嫁了男人就變成了污泥。照紅樓夢的看法,少女可愛的是她們的純真得來有夢想,愛美麗、愛詩詞文學、愛遊玩,沒有機心,所以珍貴。

    1. 其實老男人中沒趣的也很多。

    2. 老男人和老女人都很多沒趣,但是,一般人眼中,少女純真,稱作可愛,少男純真,稱作……

  2. A bit science. Experiments letting subjects inflict pain (like using electric shocks) or be inflicted pain show that women, in general, are more compassionate than men. Men, in general, are more indifferent to others' pain.
    Men, in general, tend to be (much?) more overconfident too. (Sometimes it has disastrous consequences, like underestimate their enemies and start wars, which are expected to be short but turns out to be long and bloody.)
    A bit "history." Sure, if you won the wars and, especially, kill off all (or most) of your enemies, take their lands, women, and properties, then you have plenty of time to do things to deepen your "靈魂深度" and some other things too.
    唐君毅說的男人靈魂深度, compared with women's, is like that? --zpdrmn.

    1. 一般人的情況對身處深宮,手握大權,一聲令下就能把人命當棋子舞的當權者未必通用。歷史上的女性當權者一樣有大量發動戰爭,殘殺異己的紀錄。

    2. gengar,
      Sure. I just talked about those events in general, not certain cases in particular. However, if you look way back, starting, let's say, from tribal societies or look at our relatives (in evolution) chimpanzees, most attacks were done by males. That's a way of maximizing the likelihood of spreading a male's genes (or a group of related males' genes). Females, on the other hand, didn't have to do that or had much less incentive to do that considering the cost and benefit.
      So, I won't say what's good, what's bad. It has a lot to do with the biology.

      Male overconfidence (compare with female's) has been shown in experiments and some observations (with collection of data).
      Some questions: (I don't know the answers.)
      I was talking about wars between two countries above. When ''女性當權者一樣有大量發動戰爭, 殘殺異己,'' do they usually did that by war with other countries (overconfidence or not was likely more relevant here) or they just killed people in their own countries? If it's the former, I wonder if their advisers were mostly males or females. If the female rulers made their decisions on starting wars consulting mostly female advisers or made them on their own without consulting others, were they overconfident or did they underestimate their enemies?
      A survey of the percentage of male rulers started wars vs that of female rulers is helpful here. How long did the the wars last? Did they won the wars? (The last two questions may tell something about overconfidence.)
      If there is evidence that females rulers, with little male influences, were as overconfidence as male rulers or even more so, that is something. (May be a paper there, see if some journal accepts it.)

      I know I was too loose last time, even though I mostly paraphrased some works of a researcher.

    3. 我說「歷史上的女性當權者一樣有大量發動戰爭,殘殺異己的紀錄」,沒有評論她們是否overconfident,只是說,身在深宮,處於高位,不在前線,不用親自操刀,一聲令下可以取無數人命,完全不用弄污自己的手,再加上作為政客的權力慾和自我膨脹,不論男女都大可以indifferent to others' pain。

    4. Oh, that.
      We can still ask similar questions or try to find out more about it. See if the general statement, on indifference about average women, is wrong about 女性當權者, compared with 男性當權者. --zpdrmn
