

為何嫌隙會這麼難完全消除?我沒有一個全面的解釋,只能就自己的經驗說一下。引起嫌隙的事,往往涉及其中一方的自尊受損;即使只是誤會,自尊損了就是損了。自尊這東西,是會認人的,一旦受某人損了,再見那人,那受損 之感便會如影隨形般重現,要忘記那件引起嫌隙的事便不容易了。


4 則留言:

  1. Is there any way to mend and reconcile?

  2. Olivia,

    Of course there is, but my point is that it is hard for the relationship to be restored to how it used to be.

  3. Do you agree that love conquers all, including this problem? Love is the something that turns a person irrationally faithful in the other person and enormously forgiving. Perhaps it will also need a thorough and empathetic understanding of human nature that everyone is fallible and make (big) mistakes that hurt the other. But when it comes to "why do I have to forgive," love seems to be the only reason. A relationship of love, e.g. parent-child, is by nature (at least partially) irrational and therefore cost-benefit calculation simply is not applicable.

  4. Olivia,

    No, I don't believe that love conquers all. However, I do agree that the kind of problem I talked about would not arise as easily in the case of two people who are in a relationship of love.
