媽媽昨天跟一位來自中國大陸的同事吃午餐,大概是有感於香港的民主訴求和近日之動盪, 竟也談到中國的「民主」。這位同事只有二十多歲,來了美國一兩年,而且不會久留,很可能明年便會返回中國。他們談到中國的國民教育,媽媽忍不住用「洗腦」二字來形容,想不到這位同事會同意,並說她以前也相信中國有民主、在政治上十分進步,但在美國生活了一段時間後,才認識到甚麼是真正的民主,才明白到以前相信的所謂「中國式的民主」,只是自己盲目接受了的政治宣傳。
回覆刪除Your colleague's wife is well educated, isn't she? If I guess right and her attitude toward democracy is not uncommon among mainland Chinese women and men with the same level of educational achievements, then it can be safely concluded that the prospect of a free and democratic China doesn't look promising at all.
回覆刪除I talked to several taxi drivers in mainland China. All of them criticized the government and said that the western political system is better. It seems to follow that many Chinese people even at the educational level of a taxi driver are not brainwashed by the communist party.
回覆刪除I work in high tech industry in US and there are many Chinese colleagues. Majority of them are from mainland china receiving their first or second college degrees in US. Many of them believe many of stories and photos from 8964 were fabricated.
回覆刪除Some stories were in fact fabricated. Today we know that the killings occurred in 長安街, not on the Tiananmen square; but some western media in the past said that many students were killed on the Tianmen square. What's more important, even if a person accepts the Chinese government's *empirical* claims about what actually happened, he may still think that the political system in China is unjust.
回覆刪除It is not surprising to see the educated Chinese couple has their opinions. Unlikely their younger counterpart, they have deeper understand of things. First, transition from one system to another has never been easy. Just look at Libya and Iraq, the society went from tyranny to anarchy. People may not have a vote before, but they had a normal life and kids could go to school and enjoyed a normal childhood. Now they may be able to vote on the their favorite local warlord, but all social services are disrupted. Second, democracy will eventually lead to socialist welfare state as politician must give out goodies to get votes. For wealthy society, this may be possible. For poorer society, when there is no goodie to pass around, politician can only stir up hatred among groups to get elected. The former Yugoslavia served as a vivid example.
中文不是理性語言,故此中國人缺乏理性的高楷思維能力,只要他們的母語是漢語,在青春期間没有獨立思考訓練的話,個人的價值觀已經在十八歲前被固化,即是hard wired , 就算他們後來在美國讀大學,考取了碩士及博士,也甚少能對現代民主有認知能力,更少會去推動。
刪除@鍾sir: 咁即閣下自認缺乏理性的高楷思維能力啦?自辱你自家列祖列宗,你家門真係有憾囉。。。
刪除閣下 Bloom 哥嘅粉絲呀?但 Terry 姐好似唔多同意喎。當年區潔芳大戰 Alfred Bloom,江湖好似撐區女俠多啲噃(Liu, Yeh, Choi, Nisbett, Norenzayan 等等)。。。
不過好心喇,仲停留响八十年代,要與時並進㗎嘛。21世紀14 年代喇,唔該查下 The Linguistic Relativity Hypothesis 最新嘅發展啦(Stanford 研究佼佼者)。。。唉,out 成咁!
Horai 哥,
刪除唔該update 吓啦,Linguistic relativity and the Chinese language
Monday, March 31, 2014 - 07:52
The Chinese language: do Feng and Joe see the same thing?
The Chinese language has been the target of a significant number of experiments, with the purpose of examining the validity of linguistic relativity. In such an experiment, the researchers discovered that Chinese speakers relied more on vision, while English speakers relied more on phonology when it came to identifying words.
This is not surprising, considering that each language is structured in a way that promotes each aspect respectively. In China, school children are expected to internalize more than 2500 distinct Chinese characters.
The argument of linguistic relativity is that such a need inevitably leads to a better development of visual conceptualization and processing skills. Tests have shown that speakers of languages like Chinese, which is based on complex visual shapes, perform better in tasks involving visual memory or spatial processing.
Another example is the difference between Chinese and English with regard to the conceptualization of verbs and action. According to the linguist James H-Y. Tai, the Chinese language is “patient-orientated,” while English is an “agent-orientated” language. In a sense, from a Chinese perspective, there is a tendency of viewing things as happening to people, while from the English perspective, there is often a tendency of placing emphasis on people doing things.
Tests by Lera Boroditsky from Stanford University also suggest that Chinese speakers – as a consequence of the structure of the Chinese language – conceptualize time vertically, rather than horizontally.
@鐘sir: 恕我愚昧,以上英文邊隻字邊段你可以下[中文不是理性語言,故此中國人缺乏理性的高楷思維能力]結論?
刪除再恕我無知,Chris Angelis 係乜水?師承何方? Chris 乜水哥所言,就要照單全收?
//中文不是理性語言....// 的說法恐怕是太過簡單化和絕對化了。語言只是一種工具,是一種人們用以表達思維與溝通的工具,其理性與否相信不是取決於語言(工具)本身而是取決於使用這個工具的人。
Horai 哥,
Horai, 請先自己找journal, 過幾日才答你。
嗱,Terry 姐區潔芳呢,師承 Harvard, Stanford (Ph.D),家吓好似港大任教,或者 Terry 姐可以同你[學術]討論吓嘅,俾個輪佢啦!希望佢聽完你偉論後唔會笑到氣咳斷鬼咗氣。。。
刪除Horai 哥,
刪除勤奮d啦,有困難,自己動手。好學唔學,學cy lueng , 自己解決唔到問題,射落人地到。
@鍾sir: 真理不是以多人支持才成立?係?即係我話乜就乜因為[真理不是以多人支持才成立]? 咁就好囉,早講吖嘛!我大把偉論本來唔敢無的放矢,但經君啟蒙,我是多慮了!
刪除Horai 哥,
刪除勤奮d啦,自己動手。好學唔學,學cy leung , 解決唔到,射到人地到先得架。
@鍾sir: 政治抽埋水?哦,原來閣下係政治目的。。。使唔使咁隱晦呀?索性法輪功咁明刀吖嘛。。。嘿嘿嘿嘿
刪除講真,其實要研究 linguistic-cognitive relevance, 我話就應由[缺]之方向諗諗。Helen Keller 歲半就又聾又盲,但咁都俾佢發展到真係文(著作)武(activist)雙全。。。咁豐富嘅 cognitive development 寶藏,居然無人發掘。。。
回覆刪除> 她竟問:「你們以前給英國人統治時,為何不爭取民主,現在回歸中國了,才來爭取?」