Program”的甄別試,“GATE” 是“Gifted
and Talented Education”的縮寫,通過考試者,就會被歸類為「資優兒童」,可以受到特別的教育。阿樂在一年級時考了這個試,由二年級開始接受所謂「資優教育」,直到八年級,都是在一個全是資優兒童的特別班,而且是同一班同學,約三十人,到升上高中時才各散東西。
--- 智力極其量只是一個必要條件,而不是充分條件。
stress tolerance (阿樂的用語)極低,很容易因為功課和考試而感到壓力過大;至於男的那位,由於有一位成績出眾、考入頂級名校的姊姊,他似乎為了避免跟姊姊比較,有意無意選擇了「走另一條路」,沒有努力讀書。
Dear Wong,
回覆刪除daniel goleman in his book emotional intelligence 1995 also talked on this issue, concluding non-cognitive skills is also very important in contributing to final success and happiness. with my experience seeing many kids, most kids have more or less intelligence and i would say IQ is really not that important as a determining factor.
that is why i take great care to nurture the non-academic aspect of my sons and try to give them a happy childhood apart from drilling in study.
dr Who
Good for you.
I never knew that the "gifted" kids were put in the same classes from first grade through eighth grade in CA. I wonder what they do here in NYC; I came when I was fourteen, so I don't really know.
回覆刪除I definitely agree that grit counts far more than gift, esp when you try to do something whose results or rewards are not immediately clear. Unfortunately, I'm the kind of person who tries to look for shortcuts or to cut corners (also, I avoid stress like the plague), so that's why I am not as "successful"as some of my peers.
你入 high school 攞 advanced placement courses (或者 honors courses) 咪一樣囉, GATE 嘅[申延],你讀完都唔知?
Were the students in that class in the same grade?
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刪除我住在南加州,似乎加州是以98th percentile 或以上作界定。Stanford-Binet 等測驗只能測驗學生對抽象、數字、推埋等問題的認識及解決問題能力,測驗成績好的學生,一般都是記性好、理解能力强,這樣便是中學成績好,跟著便能進入名牌大學,進入醫學院、法律或商學院,畢業後便是專業人士或進入上市大公司工作,成為中產或更高一層的階級,這便是 gift students 的人生。很多年少的 gift students 有天份,但對學習書本未必有興趣(有很多原因),長大了中學和大學成績都是一般。我覺得人生對學習和工作要有 passion 才是最重要。天才是比較性的,天才放在知識性工作便可以發揮,若叫他創辦和管理一間茶餐廳,結果可能一團糟。人生按自己的能力努力工作便成。我長兒小學時,成績中上或一般,有一家長告訴我他的女兒是讀 GATE Program,現今這女孩與我兒子是同一大學,她中學成績不錯,但不是突出的。
回覆刪除//人生對學習和工作要有 passion 才是最重要//
Wong, 匿名9/05/2014 9:15 上午, or anyone interested,
回覆刪除Here I just provide some information on some gifted children programs for anyone who is interested. This piece of information to me isn't important. What I say here is nothing personal. If your kid is/was in some program like that, you may know where your kid is/was at from test results. So, it's just that when I see numbers and statistics (elementary level) I sometimes can figure something out.
I heard about the criterion of top 2% (as 匿名9/05/2014 9:15 上午 said, 98 percentile) or IQ 135 (as Wong said) many years ago. (With IQ 100 as the mean and 15 the s.d., 130 or above is the top 2.5%, 135 is probably about the top 2%, but I don't want to check the number.) But several years ago I knew some kids (some were friends of my kids) in the gifted class in our school system. I asked about the number of students in the class and their grade levels, and I figured out real fast, since I knew the size of the student body, that the school probably didn't use or follow that criterion. According to my calculation, top 4 to 5% counted as gifted was more like it in our school system. Even then, they let some high-potential students (meaning that they were a bit below the cutoff and weren't officially counted as gifted) attend classes for gifted kids. I guessed but weren't sure that it's about allocation of resources: let the teacher teach more kids (same salary, anyway). So, the program served more than 5% of the students. Of course, top 5% (or 6, or so) wasn't bad.
Now, let's look at the number Wong has provided of their school system: about 30 students in the same grade. Let's say, it was 25. 25/2%= 1250 students. (25 out of 1250 students as the top 2%). Hmmm... huh? The whole school (especially for elementary) probably didn't have that many students. Maybe they got students from several different schools to attend the same class? (That could happen even though I doubt it.)
I think some school systems didn't/don't use the measure of top 2% for practical purposes. How many school systems in the US are like that? I am not sure. Wild guess (without support)? Many. Oh, well, two is many already, isn't it? (Kidding.)