在《主場新聞》看到一篇題為「什麼是博士?」的文章,內容簡單,但也許是因為信息容易令人受落,加上幾幅鮮明的配圖,所以 like 者眾多。其實這基本上是一篇譯文,譯自猶他州大學教授 Matthew Might 個人網頁的一篇貼文,我記得幾個月前在臉書見人轉貼過了,不覺得有甚麼特別,也就沒有放在心上。
此外,博士的研究成果,不應孤立來看;孤立來看只是小小的突破,但將它放在其他很多有關研究的大脈絡裏,一個小小的突破,可以是完成了一個巨大的改變,也可以是推動了一個全新的發展方向,大大擴闊了人類知識的範圍。這在自然科學尤其如此,因為現在的科學研究早已發展成高度的分工合作 --- 分工很細,但合作綿密。
至於人文學科的博士,則另有一番天地,雖然同樣是專精研究一個題目,但很自然會涉獵相關的知識,例如哲學博士兼懂點心理學、生物學、和物理學的為數不少,歷史博士而學貫文學和政治學的也不罕見。在本科的訓練,精而博的當然是更多了;這和博士課程的要求有些關係,美國制規定博士生讀兩年 coursework,例如我在柏克萊加州大學的頭兩年便要修幾個哲學史的課程,就算我如何不喜歡古希臘哲學,也不能不讀柏拉圖或亞里士多德。
吾生也有涯, 而知也無涯, 研究學問是千里之行, 博士學位無疑是剛剛踏出了數十步, 終點在遙遙的前方.
回覆刪除黑圈的大小,亦因地而變易。還有無圈的 "名譽"學位。
回覆刪除I'm just curious what you think of this philosophical essay on traditional Chinese medicine: http://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/09/28/the-enigma-of-chinese-medicine/?smid=fb-share
回覆刪除May "a cold" be cured using "baijiu" (strong white wine) and/or "turble blood"?
刪除A "cold" will get cured by your body eventually (if without complication). Drinking strong wine kills germs around the throat area. Thus if you are having sore throat, "baijiu" (even without using "turtle blood") will definitely help. Simple science only.
刪除Glad to see your comments! I have just read the essay; I am not sure what the author is trying to say. It's all over the place.
A colleague of mine in Philosophy posted it, and I was curious how you thought of it.
刪除I think the author wrote his essay with very limited understanding of how traditional Chinese medicine is practiced (the big push to make it look "Westernized" and scientific) and because of that, he was more or less attacking a straw man. Also, I think the non-acceptance of traditional Chinese/Asian medicine has more to do with ethnocentrism rather than the demarcation problem.
I am still following your blog; just haven't posted any comments for a while.
//I think the non-acceptance of traditional Chinese/Asian medicine has more to do with ethnocentrism rather than the demarcation problem//
刪除- Could you elaborate a bit on this? I am curious...
其實我到E+都唔明點解博士會叫Ph.D, 醫生果個博士先叫Dr.?
回覆刪除明明唔關philosophy 事都叫Ph.D? "化學哲學博士"完全理解唔到
"the term "philosophy" does not refer solely to the field of philosophy, but is used in a broader sense in accordance with its original Greek meaning, which is "love of wisdom"."