倒是特首夫人發言時的一個手勢,值得談一談,可以幫助大家避免犯同樣的錯,免於貽笑大方。原來特首夫人本來不知道蔡先生乃香港中文大學的講師,提到這一事實時,她用了一個類似 air quotes 的手勢,舉起雙手,用左右食指做了一個引號的形狀,意思大概是「所謂大學講師」,意在貶低蔡先生。
quotes 即是在空中做 quotation marks,諧音 scare quotes。 Scare quotes 是用引號來說明使用的字詞不是正常的意思,或是諷刺,或是反話,或是貶抑。雖然引號有單引號和雙引號之分,但無論是在美國還是英國(美國人較常用 air
quotes),air quotes 都是「雙引號」 --- 不會只用左右食指,而是同時用食指和中指。以下是已故諧星 Chris Farley 的惹笑示範:
差之毫釐,謬以千里,假如你在英美人士面前用 air
quotes,卻用了特首夫人的「獨特手法」,他們會覺得怪怪的,甚至覺得可笑(除非你是 Robert Downey Jr.)。
Dear Wong,
回覆刪除very interesting piece of information, i learn something new. thank you.
ms 689 is very sincere in her speech, though she should direct her anger toward the PR staff of 689 and even 689 himself.
dr Who
回覆刪除Maybe she was just pointing at herself gesturing "look at how scary and ugly I look, don't mess with me!" So, it really was a scare quote. Ha ha. --zpdrmn
Please note that the present case is a sooty pot calling a clean and shiny kettle black.
回覆刪除經常叫人 "包容" 的家庭,自己唔識 "包容"他人,亦從不由其他醜聞,學懂 "危機處理"。還自作聰明... 真係有好學養的家庭呀 !
I was manipulated to go to Hyde Park and play happy family as a lame PR stunt by my father ~~~ quote and unquote.
刪除玩吓 psychoanalysis 吖:
L 小姐經 FB[劉進圖]之戰一役後點蠢都明政治之 full of sound and fury 啦係嘛?She gotta know she's on everybody's radar (in the crosshairs actually),so why did what she did?又 post 相又接受訪問仲句句利刄字字穿心。。。為了報復父母,so she lashes out the only way she knows how. 報復什麼?Some kind of rejection. 又恨又愛心結如此深,耍解,其實也不難。。。
刪除梁小姐已成年,要全世界呵護你一成年公主? She chose to air her laundry in public, she did not expect consequences? Gimme a break!
刪除Hi Horai,
刪除Thank you for your reply at another blog entry. As you said, "網遇隨緣定", but it is not propaganda if you put a link of your own blog in your Blogspot profile. Anyway, hope you'll change your mind. :)
The term _air quotes_ has been recorded in print since the late eightieth,
回覆刪除but the gesture itself, used as an accompaniment to speech, is likely to be
much older. The gesture is formed by holding the fingers up in the air,
notionally around the word or phrase being simultaneously expressed. The
fingers are curled in the shape of quotation marks: use of middle finger
with the forefinger perhaps represents double quotation marks, while use of
the forefinger alone may represent single quotation marks.
From _The Oxford Dictionary of New Words_ (1998)
Thank you for the information. Please notice the words "perhaps" and "may" in the explanation. This is a theoretical explanation; in reality people used air "double quotation marks" only.
刪除I have just done a google search for the dictionary entry you quoted and found the following discussion:
Someone in the discussion asked: "I have never seen anyone signal the single quotes. Has anyone?" I would ask the same question.
"I have never seen anyone signal the single quotes. Has anyone?"
刪除I haven't neither.
Typo: "in reality people used" should be "in reality people use".
刪除Welcome to reality.
No one does these "quote signaling" in formal speeches, but by saying "I quote", "unquote", etc.
刪除Don't you find your picture of single quote signaling unnatural?
Don't you know that one uses double quotes first, then if needed, single quotes within the double quotes, as if in writing, IF you really want to nest these kind of quotes and doing stupid quote signaling?
So... Did Mrs 689 signal a pair of double quotes prior to her single quotes?
In British and Australian English, one typically uses single quotation marks. If writing in North America, double quotation marks are typically used.
刪除If you use single quotations marks, then you should use double quotation marks for a quote within a quote. If you use double quotation marks, then you should use single quotation marks for a quote within a quote.
刪除Welcome to reality.//
- Interesting, but I am not sure this can be referred to as reality. Keep in mind that Robert Downey, Jr. plays Sherlock Holmes as a neurotic person with a lot of idiosyncrasies.
If you prefer British English, do you think that a well-educated British would do any "air quoting"? Ha !
刪除Please read :
on "How do the British do air quotes?"
This too: "Air quotes are made by raising both hands to eye level and flexing the index and middle fingers of both hands while speaking. Their meaning is similar to that of scare quotes in writing." (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hand_gestures)
刪除"所謂"之餘再air quote會唔會redundant?
回覆刪除原來她真的有用「所謂」,那麼,air quotes 便是多餘的。
刪除Oliver Twist asked for more food. He was reminded that he was an orphan, that an orphan has no father or mother.
回覆刪除That is cruel and mean because it is so unnecessary. I disdain people who earn money over other's pain/suffer.
This is Robert Downey in a talk show, not in a movie:
Ok, I would accept this as a counterexample, but this does not show that my claim about air quotes is false. People would consider his way of doing air quotes strange. Of course, he is Robert Downey Jr. and looks cool no matter how he does it.
刪除Check this out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fkVBCIH6vZU
刪除Here are two of the comments:
"Only RDJ can actually use one-finger air quotes and get away with it hahaha"
"omg his air quotes are just one fingers!! so adorbs"
Double air quotes are certainly more common. But I have seen people who use single air quotes, some even swear by it.
刪除eg. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Single-Quotes-Because-thats-the-way-british-people-do-it/145350775492719
刪除Thank you. I have British friends too and they agree with me that even the British do double air quotes rather than single air quotes.
I think the facebook page you referred to shows precisely that most British people use single air quotes, for otherwise such advocacy would not make sense. And please notice that the page was set up in 2010 and so far there are only 91 likes.
Of course, you can again insist that the woman in the video is not real:
Oh please, she's not doing air quotes; she's using hand gestures to explain the difference between double quotation marks and single quotation marks.