在網上看到Christopher Hitchens談論同性戀的一句話,不是甚麼驚人之語,而是平實真切、深刻有理,道出了很多人看同性戀時的偏差:“Homosexuality
is not just a form of sex, it’s a form of love, and it deserves our respect for
that reason.” (「同性戀不只是一種性事,還是一種愛,因此值得我們尊重。」)對,同性戀不只是性,還有戀,戀愛的戀。
If the parties involved in homosexual acts/sex are consenting, I would say they deserve a bit more respect than the (non-innocent or dominant) parties in most zoosexual acts/sex. --zpdrmn
神洲, //美國曾經有位女教師戀上未成年的男學...// I believe in many, if not most, states in the US the age of consent is 16 (same in HK.) But in some countries, it is lower, like 14, 13, and even 12. If the case you mentioned happened in one of those countries, it would probably not go to the court. --zpdrmn
神洲, my point isn't about whether the adult is a man or a woman. I am saying in some other countries the age of consent is lower (as low as 12) than that in the US, so the case if happened in those countries it would probably not go to the court under some conditions, for examples, both parties are consenting, the adult (man or woman) isn't the teacher, psychologist, pastor, etc, of the minor (boy or girl,) depending on the laws of the countries. I believe in the case you mentioned the boy was older than 12. Hope it is clear enough. --zpdrmn
I would say as long as the case involved adult (regardless of his/her position) with sexual relationship with underage minor (regardless whether love would be involved), such case before the court would be likely inevitable in most countries.
It seems a serious sentence and of course, if the age of the student is above the consenting age (such as college or university student) then it would be no problem at all.
神洲, //sexual relationship with underage minor// but what is underage? Should it be the age of consent? The problem here is with a minor whose age is above the age of consent. For example, in HK a 17 year old is a minor but 17 is above 16, the age of consent. Now an adult has sex with a consenting 17 year old minor/child. Should we try the adult in court? --zpdrmn
“Underage” I wrote is just the shortened form of “under the consenting age”, if the consenting age in one country is 16 and an adult has sex with a 17 (both are the citizens of the SAME country) I don’t think it would violate the law of consenting age of that country however, since different countries have different consenting ages, it’s not only you cannot quote the lower consenting age of one country as an excuse for you to have sex with underage minor in another country that with higher consenting age and, more importantly, if you are a citizen of a country that with higher consenting age, say if you are a U.S. citizen, the consenting age of U.S. is 16, and you goto a country that has a lower consenting age say 14 and you have sex with a 14 years old there, then when you come back to U.S. you would be highly likely prosecuted by the U.S. law and you cannot defend yourself by the foreign law in U.S. (and that’s why I couldn't understand that why you could quote the lower consenting age(s) from other country(s) for trying as an excuse or as a defending.)
mimi, In the reply to 神洲 I wrote (see above) I talked about age of consent. It's legal stuff. But it is related to ethics. What do you make of it? --zpdrmn
很多人看同性戀時的偏差 is that not only they don't see there is love, but they also don't see this: Even if there's only sex, it still deserves respect. --zpdrmn
回覆刪除If all there is to homosexuality is sex, it may not deserve more respect than zoosexuality.
刪除If the parties involved in homosexual acts/sex are consenting, I would say they deserve a bit more respect than the (non-innocent or dominant) parties in most zoosexual acts/sex. --zpdrmn
Religiosity is a form of love.
- 你說得對,而我說的只是「假如」,至於如何判斷,則非三言兩語能講清楚。
刪除- 如果是強迫或誘騙的,則有理由阻止。
- 如果我相信上帝是真的,便會尊重這種愛,但我不相信啊!Cf. 假如某人熱心「愛」齊天大聖,我是不會尊重這種「愛」的。
刪除//- 你說得對,而我說的只是「假如」,至於如何判斷,則非三言兩語能講清楚。//
刪除- 中國大陸政治犯的犯法行為你不是也尊重嗎?
刪除//- 如果我相信上帝是真的,便會尊重這種愛,但我不相信啊!Cf. 假如某人熱心「愛」齊天大聖,我是不會尊重這種「愛」的。//
刪除有些人相信每個人都有一個上天注定的soul mate,並會窮一生精力去尋找這個人去愛。但實際上這個注定的另一半可能根本不存在啊,那麼你覺得這種愛值得尊重嗎?
I believe in many, if not most, states in the US the age of consent is 16 (same in HK.) But in some countries, it is lower, like 14, 13, and even 12. If the case you mentioned happened in one of those countries, it would probably not go to the court. --zpdrmn
I forgot an assumption. It should be: If the case you mentioned happened in one of those countries and the woman wasn't a teacher... --zpdrmn
刪除//If the case you mentioned happened in one of those countries and the woman wasn't a teacher, it would probably not go to the court.//
I am not quite sure about that because the law would apply on man & woman equally.
刪除//有些人相信每個人都有一個上天注定的soul mate,並會窮一生精力去尋找這個人去愛。但實際上這個注定的另一半可能根本不存在啊,那麼你覺得這種愛值得尊重嗎?//
- 尋找愛和愛是兩回事呀!
刪除my point isn't about whether the adult is a man or a woman. I am saying in some other countries the age of consent is lower (as low as 12) than that in the US, so the case if happened in those countries it would probably not go to the court under some conditions, for examples, both parties are consenting, the adult (man or woman) isn't the teacher, psychologist, pastor, etc, of the minor (boy or girl,) depending on the laws of the countries. I believe in the case you mentioned the boy was older than 12. Hope it is clear enough. --zpdrmn
I would say as long as the case involved adult (regardless of his/her position) with sexual relationship with underage minor (regardless whether love would be involved), such case before the court would be likely inevitable in most countries.
刪除如果師生戀 個老既等到個細既16yo先扑, 咁係唔係會由unaccepted變accepted?
又如果有個宗教國家法律定明唔準係齋月扑野,咁一對couple(adult m+f)係齋月扑野, 佢地段關係係唔係moral-unacceptable?
hitchens段野我估(得果50sec,唔知前文)係fight for同性婚姻合法化?而唔係同性肛交合法化, 況且而家>21yo就可係合法地幹(hk)
刪除It seems a serious sentence and of course, if the age of the student is above the consenting age (such as college or university student) then it would be no problem at all.
p.s. and the woman isn't a teacher
刪除//sexual relationship with underage minor//
but what is underage? Should it be the age of consent?
The problem here is with a minor whose age is above the age of consent. For example, in HK a 17 year old is a minor but 17 is above 16, the age of consent. Now an adult has sex with a consenting 17 year old minor/child. Should we try the adult in court? --zpdrmn
刪除“Underage” I wrote is just the shortened form of “under the consenting age”, if the consenting age in one country is 16 and an adult has sex with a 17 (both are the citizens of the SAME country) I don’t think it would violate the law of consenting age of that country however, since different countries have different consenting ages, it’s not only you cannot quote the lower consenting age of one country as an excuse for you to have sex with underage minor in another country that with higher consenting age and, more importantly, if you are a citizen of a country that with higher consenting age, say if you are a U.S. citizen, the consenting age of U.S. is 16, and you goto a country that has a lower consenting age say 14 and you have sex with a 14 years old there, then when you come back to U.S. you would be highly likely prosecuted by the U.S. law and you cannot defend yourself by the foreign law in U.S. (and that’s why I couldn't understand that why you could quote the lower consenting age(s) from other country(s) for trying as an excuse or as a defending.)
唔得,我接受唔到孌童癖和人獸交,呢個係道德問題,無可能咁都話係愛! 係變態囉! 我地做人總唔能夠無道德,乜都話尊重尊重,咁同我去打劫為兩餐有乜分別?!人天生就有道德枷鎖,有可為有不可為...
打刧傷人財產,孌童癖和人獸交傷你何如? 如果我尊重你不接受孌童癖和人獸交, 那你可否尊重我接受孌童癖和人獸交呢? 咁我覺得人係冇"天生的道德枷鎖"gei, 不過要是有的話,那就是儒家說的"人禽之別", 值得尊重. no offense.
刪除//唔得,我接受唔到孌童癖和人獸交,呢個係道德問題,無可能咁都話係愛! 係變態囉! //
- 係個乜嘢道德問題,可否說明?變態就不道德?
刪除In the reply to 神洲 I wrote (see above) I talked about age of consent. It's legal stuff. But it is related to ethics. What do you make of it? --zpdrmn